Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

8 Months Down!!!!!

Oh that's right, that's my belly button that you see starting to 'pop' out! I can't believe that I have less then 8 weeks to go before I get to officially meet and hold our little baby! Now when people ask when I'm due I get to say "Next month!"It feels so surreal! At this point our little one is around 3.75-4 pounds and will put on 1/3 to 1/2 of its birth weight within the next 7 weeks! It souled be around 16.7 inches long... sorry no fruit for comparison today, I'll be going to the store tonight. Its little skeleton is totally formed, though the bones still soft and flexible. Its digestive system is also fully developed, though it wont be using it for a little while yet. SUPPOSEDLY the little one should be sleeping 90-95% of the time, Yeah right! Not our baby! On Thursday at my latest Baby Dr. appointment I was told that on average the little one should move about 6 times per hour. I thought to myself, 'hmmmm, I haven't ever kept track... I should count movements this next hour.' Well, I lost track/gave up after I hit 26! Maybe our kid has restless leg syndrome... except for it's entire body! :) Granted if I were curled up like it is I would be moving and stretching too. Obviously this is not a picture of our baby.... but it's such a cool picture of just how little room there is at 32 weeks and how totally formed the baby really is! It's just such a beautiful miracle!
So since getting pregnant my blood volume has increase 40-50%! Is that not insane? Wow, that's a lot of blood! This weekend in the Home Depot parking lot, a lady chased after Matthew and me to let me know that I was such a cute pregnant lady! :) It made me smile. Though I did have to refrain from saying to her, 'uhhh I'm not pregnant!' just to see what she would do! :) See, I AM learning SOME self control!


Brianna said...

I think you should have said that you weren't pregnant. I have always avoided asking people when they are due until they are in the stirrups and the doctor has informed them "you're ready to push". I couldn't handle the humiliation of confusing a big belly for a baby :)

I can't wait for your little one to get here! I may be even more impatient than you guys!

Speciale said...

You really do look SO cute! I love it! What a wonderful miracle this all is-I think you're having a boy too, can't wait to find out!!

Janie said...

Your poor squished baby! It's probably tall like mommy and daddy and you are not giving it any room in that short torso of yours.:)

I LOVE your belly. It looks awesome. This is my favorite stage because you are so stretched and cute and you don't feel that huge swelling feeling you get the last few weeks. I can't wait to rub that belly.

See you TOMORROW!! Oh I am leaving earlier that I thought. I call from the road.