Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

33 1/2 weeks

33 and a half weeks down, ONLY 6 and a half to go! Matthew and I were laying in bed last night watching the alien-like movement in my belly! I mean seriously, if caring a child was not obviously such a natural/normal thing, I would think that I was in a freaky Si-fi movie... it's just SO strange to realize that I have another human living and growing inside me. One that has it's own schedule, attitude, movements, thoughts and dreams... it's just mind blowing!!!!
This week (though almost over) there are a few big milestones happening with our little alien... I mean our little one. Its immune system is actually finally fully developed now and most of the bones have hardened... all except for the skull. Which is good, because those plates that make up the skull need to remain un-joined to allow for overlap during delivery. Speaking of the skull, the circumference of our little ones head has increased by about 1/2 an inch this week alone! Meaning the head is around 8.5 cm around. Our baby should be about 17 inches long head to toe and weigh about 4.4 (+) pounds! Over the next 6-7 weeks I should be gaining about 1 pound per week and about 1/2 of it will be going directly to the baby! Grow little one, grow!

1 comment:

Janie said...

I'm with mommy, grow baby grow, to 8.1 lbs so I can be right with my guess. But I hope for mommy that you are in the 6-7 lbs range. :)