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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

24 weeks (and 2 days)

Time is just flying by, I can't believe that I am already 6 months pregnant! So fun and scary all at once! Our little baby is now about 11.8 inches long... so roughly the size of a stock of celery! I know, it's getting big! I'm not sure that the little one ever sleeps, it always seems to be moving about, it really likes to kick while I'm going surgery or concentrating! It must know that at that moment I'm not thinking about it, so I get a little jab, just to get my attention back on it! :)

It weights about 1.3 pounds and this week and it's working on producing surfactant (which is the 'stuff' that keeps all those small air sacs in the lungs from collapsing). It is also working on creating all of the little branches to the respiratory tree. It's amazing to me that with technology today if our little one was born right now (God forbid) at ONLY 24 weeks it would still have a 36% chance of survival! Amazing!
Now that the baby’s taste buds are fully developed it can start actually 'tasting' what I eat! Incredible! Mmmmm, I think the baby would like to try a custard filled chocolate doughnut! Mmmmmmmmm! Sweat glands are also being created this week. Oh and have I mentioned that now my uterus should be about the size of a soccer ball?! No wonder I have to pee all the time and when I bend over it feels like I can's breath!
See I told you I was looking pregnant!


Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmmmm Donuts

Janie said...

Lookin hot Mama! You DO look pregnant. It's about time since you are more than 1/2 way. You are gonna have one active kid! That's awesome. I can't wait to see you you have!!!!!

Check my blog,I just posted a picture of me. :)

liz said...

looking good mama!!!!

Speciale said...

aww, look how cute you are!! So fun, and great now I'm craving donuts...

Anonymous said...

Yea! I love your growing uterus! But with Matthew's baby in there, don't you think it's about the size of a rugby ball?! You are beautiful! Love Grandma D