It's one of THOSE days! How, you may ask is it only 7 am and it's already one of THOSE days? I guess it really started last night...
Throughout the day I had sent a few text messages, then last night I realized none had actually gone through. I thought that maybe it was because my memory was full, so I spent some time 'fixing' it over a glass of chocolate soy milk mmmmmmmm. Then it was off to bed. Just as I was drifting off to sleep at 11 pm my phone alerted telling me I had a text message. I automatically thought 'Something is wrong' and grabbed my phone. But NO, it was a advertisement from (I have never even used that site)! Annoyed, I went back to bed, where I proceeded to wake up ever 1 1/2 hours to pee out all liquid in my entire body!!!!! Then at 4:54 am my phone alerted again. Just like last time I automatically thought that something/someone was in trouble, so I grabbed my phone, only to see another darn advertisement from!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I was just annoyed! I lay there in the dark trying to get back to sleep when one of the darn chickens thought to itself, 'hey, it's 5:04 am I should start screaming!' I jumped out of bed and darted out the door (being careful to not step/trip on Sonny) in my pj's and went and hushed the chickens up by yelling at them (yes they apparently understanding early morning yelling). I then went BACK to bed, but of course couldn't sleep, so I climbed/rolled over my pillow mountain and snuggled in next to Matthew and laid there for the next 45 minutes, just thinking, because sleep at that point was out of the questions! When I got up at 5:50 I thought, hey I should text the snapfish place back and tell them how much they pissed me off. So I did... but the text wouldn't go through. So I tried to text Matthew, that one didn't go through either. My stinking phone is on the fritz! I tried to get online to see what the closest AT&T store is and what time they open... but my stinking computer was running SOOOOO slow, THEN the Internet wouldn't load!!!!! Arggggggggggg! So I came into work. Hopefully all my surgeries this morning are going to go better then the rest of my morning has! Sorry about all the complaining, but I just needed to vent!