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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Baby News

Ok, so I know that I said I would talk about Kauai today... but I have had some new baby developments that I wanted to talk about before I forgot all the details (what with baby-brain and all). :) So More island things tomorrow (really).
Let me start out by saying the little one is fine, though I was nervous for a little while...
Sat. the 27th my family was evacuated from the resort where we were staying at in Kauai at 4 a.m. due to the tsunami warnings and were told to "head for higher ground". We were planing to leave that day any way, so we all finished packing and quickly headed to the airport where we caught a very early flight to Oahu. From there we sat in the airport for about 8 hours waiting for the ONE and ONLY flight from there to San Fransisco. That whole time we really didn't eat or drink much (not smart). And of course the day before I had gone on a long hike (and forgot water) and 2 days before that Matthew and I had hiked 2 miles into the Nepali Coastline (and the water some how disappeared before our hike even started). Any way... about 2 hours into the airport waiting game I started to feel this constant camping/tightening feeling in the lower left side of my uterus. I didn't worry about it at first (thinking it was just ligmental stretching which is totally normal). But after a few hours it didn't go away so I finally told my mom (thank goodness for her) and Matthew about it. Mom started to worry too (which didn't help me out) :) and told me to stop carrying ANY of the bags and to drink, drink, drink. Being the very obedient daughter that I (always) am, I listened (for once). So a billion cups of water and a trillion trips to the bathroom later I was still feeling the pain when we got home. Mom told me to call her in the morning if I was feeling it still. So Sunday morning the feeling was less, but still there on and off, so I called her. She took Matthew and me into her work and hooked me up to a monitor to see if my uterus was contracting. (Yes it pays to have a mom who's a L & D nurse!!!!) She also pulled out one of the doplers to listen to the baby's heart. We didn't hear the heartbeat right away (like we were able to last time), so I started to get worried. According to Matthew I didn't just have a scared look on my face, it was on of terror! Finally we heard the Wush-a-whush-a-whush-a sound of it's perfect little heart beat and I relaxed! My uterus looked good (no contracting). It was just responding to being dehydrated! Next (just for fun) mom pulled in the ultrasound so we could look at baby. We had someone else come in to get a good picture (while we all turned our heads so that we couldn't see gender related parts). Our little baby is sooooooo cute. I love it so much! It had hick-ups and it was so funny to watch it bounce up and down with each hick-up! Here's the latest U/S picture!

Then since I missed last week here is Week 18- a coconut

And week 19- a Sweet Potato. Weighing in at about 9 oz and head to bum about 6
inches (11 1/2 head to toe)

Last night when Matthew and I were laying in bad the baby started to so a gymnastic tumbling routine inside me. I was laying there with my hand on my belly and I FELT IT ON THE OUTSIDE! :) I grabbed Matthews hand and placed it on my belly and he felt it too, 3 TIMES!!!!!!!! It was SOOOOOOOO amazing! Matthew was a little freaked out, but thought it was neat too. I'm so excited that we can BOTH feel it now! Though I'm sure for now while it's still so low and small it has to be while I'm laying down and the baby is doing cartwheels. :) But amazing none the less!


liz said...

wow! So glad that you and the baby are ok!! That was a little scary reading that... praise the Lord all is well!!

Heffe said...

Stop talking about the baby! I want to hear about Kauai, your blog has sanddollars, starfish and island music playing for god sakes!!!

gpak said...

Regardless of what Heffe says. It's always good to hear about the little feller. It's really an odd feeling to feel the baby moving from within. Pretty soon your tummy will be a punching bag. So about 50% of it's birth height and only 9% of its birth weight. It's coming along.