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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Funny Baby Stories

I am still in constant ahh over the fact that there is a living being growing inside me. It's strange how it has changed in my mind from just a Dot, to a Gremlin, to a living Baby. I am continually reminded that this precious little child can hear, move and respond to the situations that I am putting it in. AMAZING!

Anyway, on Mother’s day I was sitting in the kitchen talking with my mom and Matthew and Dad were in the other room working on remodeling stuff. Mom kept talking to my belly, trying to get the little one to wiggle or respond to her, sadly (this time) to no avail. Suddenly Matthew walked into the room and started talking and the baby (along with my entire belly) moved towards his voice! I thought that maybe it was a fluke, so we tried it again, and the same thing happened. I couldn't believe it, this baby is already SO in love with its daddy! Now any time that I want it to move Matthew just has to start talking and it will wiggle and stretch! Too Cute! It just goes to prove that even though this little one is still inside me, and we cant see it, it is very aware of all that is going on around it.

Along that same note, the other day Sonny heard something and suddenly started to bark. The little one must have been sleeping prior to the bark because it jumped to high that it whacked into my diaphragm. Poor little thing, Sonny scared it!

Even though I, without a doubt have a very nice little baby bump going on, I apparently am not caring the little one very far out in front of me. This means that the little baby is sitting inside me...somewhere. I wasn't really sure where, until the other day when the baby realized that it can really get some extra room if it moves inward opposed to outward. So I am sitting there and all of a sudden I get a kick INTO MY RIGHT KIDNEY! It momentarily felt like I was going to die! I mean I felt like I was on one of those Kung-Fu movies when one ninja punches someone so hard that they can reach in and pull out a still beating heart! Crazy Karate baby! Lay off the kidneys kid, I can deal with the ribs, but I need those kidneys functioning!


Janie said...

These stories are so cute and a little funny. The one about Matthew's voice is so sweet it makes me want to cry! I have never had one of our babies respond to Shane's voice like that. How neat! I'm sorry about your karate kid and hope you don't get any more kidney shots. Thanks for sharing these stories, I love them.

Mark said...

Check out my blog aswell!.