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Monday, April 11, 2011

A First (for me)

Yesterday I experienced a motherhood first... a first but I'm sure not the last. I'm positive that just about all of you have experience and lived through just about the same thing. Here, let me set up the story... Mallory had a heck of a nap yesterday (I'm talking 3 straight hours) and when she woke up she was her happy, joyful snugly-self. She, Sonny and I went for a run, then it was back home for lunch.... and you all know how this girl can eat. You practically just have to say the word food and she opens her mouth. But not yesterday. I had yummy pears and cottage cheese for her, and it was quite a struggle to get her to even eat 5 bites! She acted like she wanted it, but once it was in her mouth she would just roll it around a bit and push it back out. I thought maybe it was bad, but nope, it all tasted juicy and fresh. So I gave up trying to force feed the moose (besides we had errands to run). So I washed her face and picked her up from her highchair and she snuggled right into my arms. Ahhh the baby snuggle, is there anything better. Sigh! She'd only been awake for about an hour but while I was holding/snuggling her, she seemed like she was drifting off to sleep. So I call Matthew to say he could stay where he was (on a run with the rugby guys) because Mallory wanted to nap more. There I was talking to my husband, with my little snuggle-bug in my arms, when she bolted upright, leaned over and vomited! Not just a little, but a ton! Both of us were a little shocked! And she turned to me, wide eyed with a confused look on her face, wondering what the heck just happened, when you guessed it, she opened her mouth and puked again (this time painting me in undigested cottage cheese, and remnants of breakfast... soaking me from the neck down.... literally!) She somehow got my neck, shirt, shorts, one leg and a shoe! I was speechless! Matthew knew something was wrong and told me to get off the phone and take care of whatever it was that was going on and he'd be right home. Just then she projectile vomited over the carpet and right onto Sonny's head (who was now eagerly 'cleaning' the carpet for me... so thoughtful.... gag!). I start rushing her to the bathroom (so at least it would be over tile or the sink), but I wasn't fast enough and she left a trail all the way to the bathroom. As soon as we were in the bathroom, she vomited once more then saw herself in the mirror and started talking to herself. As if nothing happened. As if I wasn't standing there covered in vomit. As if she hadn't just puked up what seemed to be about half her weight in liquid! As if it was just a normal afternoon. I striped both of us down and we both got a much needed shower/bath (as Sonny finished cleaning the floor). She was fine for the remainder of the day. No fever. No more vomiting. No more falling asleep while snuggling in my arms (sad). I don't know what caused it, or what set it off, but YUCK! There's a reason that I work with animals. Their vomit (and other bodily functions) are nowhere are disgusting as human 'stuff'. Ewww. But we both survived.


Janie said...

I will start with sympathy: I am so sorry! Poor little Mallory and Mama. That is so hard.

I am still having a hard time keeping down the throw-up as I think of Sonny helping you "clean up". Gag!!!

I hope she just had a 24 hour flu that passed in 10 min :) Poor girl. Kiss her for me... but not Sonny!

Brianna said...

Welcome to motherhood :) Sorry she had to experience that but it's so true...once it's over for them, they are so happy--and we are just emerging from our utter shock and horror.

Jer said...

Go Super (vomit) Momma and Super Sonny Cleaner. ;)