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Sunday, February 12, 2012

37 Weeks = TERM!

Well, we made it! 37 weeks! Officially BB is now term! Hooray little one. GAME ON! You can come out and play any time. These past few weeks have seemed to drag on and on. All the laying low and staying clam has been driving me nuts and making the hours just tick slowly by. It did its job though, BB stayed put… but I think it did its job all too well… the wonderful, powerful, multiple an hour contractions that I had been having, have all but dwindled to a few ho-hum non-eventful ones a day. So yesterday at the 37 mark I went full-bore. I started the morning with a ‘romp’ in the sheets then I went and had a hectic day at work, came home and helped Matthew finish shampooing the carpet (which had been my ‘I want to get done before the baby comes’ goal for the past 6 months), ran errands, went on a 30 minute walk and went to the park… still no baby. Sigh. Today I SCRUBED the bathrooms and floorboards and I just need to dust, then the house well be all spick and span. I’m not sure if I’m actually ‘nesting’ or if I’m just finally getting to do all the things that I have been wanting to for the past few weeks… either way the house is looking good! Matthew even dusted all the light fixtures, fans and picture frames (all without being asked)!
At 37 weeks my uterus has finally stopped growing (thank goodness) and now BB is just packing on the pounds. BB should be about 19-20 inches and weight 6 (+) pounds (so just about the same as last week… hence to picture), and have about 16% body fat. Its lungs are fully functional and all its doing is just cooking.
Tomorrow I have a baby doctor appointment, I might see if she wants to ‘muck around in there’ and see if she can get things movin’. I know that I still have 2 weeks and 6 days until D-day, but I am ready to meet this little one. I am ready to be able to inhale fully, eat anything without worrying about heartburn, put on my own socks without feeling like I might pass out, pick up Mallory and mostly not have to worry that my water is going to break each time I squat down in front of my clients!!!! Oh yeah, and I am really ready to hold this little bundle in my arms!!!! I
know, I know, it’ll come when it’s ready; but patience has never been a virtue of mine.


Anonymous said...

Way to go girl! Keep burning all that energy. Too bad your house is all clean...if there was only another house you could whip into shape. Hey, wait a minute...
And as for you not having patience, that is NOT true. You have lots of patience and they all love you...even the lizard!

Speciale said...

Can't believe you made it, yay!! I am in anticipation of either hearing something from Janie or reading it on your blog, can't wait to see pix of the BB/how everything goes! And if its a he/she! So fun! PS, you must be nesting because I don't know how else you'd find all that energy at 37 weeks to be so busy!

Brianna said...

I love how you feel comfortable talking about a romp in the sheets when your parents read this. Cover your eyes D & D!

Can't wait to hear the news. I KNOW the end of the pregnancy is agony. Hold on sister! I am so excited for you guys!

lowrain said...

Wonderful? So excited for you, you romper you. We used to call that Romper Room or maybe I'm just memory impaired.

God Bless your every moment now until he says goodbye and you say hello
Love Marilyn