Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 19, 2011

29 (and a half) Weeks

Our little BB is now around 3 pounds and 15 ½ inches long (making him/her about the size of a 1 1/8 inch Craftsman style Open-End Wrench). Doesn’t everyone have a 15 ½ inch wrench lying around their garage? BB should be within 3-4 inches of its birth length but may still TRIPLE in weight! Which means that each week it’ll gain about ½ a pound (and I’ll gain about a pound… but at least only half of that weight will be ON me). Heck, the placenta alone is about 15 oz right now (isn’t that nuts? I’m basically caring around a POUND of placenta???? Strange). Our bodies are amazing! Mom told me about a shirt that she saw… it said “I grow humans. What’s your super power?” Cute, huh? Any way…our sweet little BB is now practicing breathing lots and lots and its brain can start to regulate its own temperature, so all the soft lanugo (hair) will start to fall out now. BB is going to be storing white fat from now on. White fat is the energy supplying fat. Prior to this week it was storing brown fat which is primarily for temperature regulation. If BB was born this week he/she would have a 90% survival rate… despite the fact there are still (supposedly) 11 more weeks of cookin’ to do.
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Brianna said...

11 more weeks! Crazy...time didn't stand still when I left. How rude. Can't wait to see you and your belly soon!!

Janie said...

I love the t-shirt saying! That is awesome. I want one :) It is a pretty amazing super power. See you soon Super Woman.