Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Week 6

During my first pregnancy, I was SURE that I was going to have a boy…. Boy was I wrong! So I got to thinking, all through that pregnancy I was comparing the size of the baby to fruits/veggies…. But what self respecting boy wants to be compared to a plumb, a raspberry, or worse a rhubarb stalk! So of course the baby turned out to be a girl! Sweet Mallory Rose. It only makes sense. This time, in order to potentially ‘help’ the gender determination I thought I would go with ‘Garage-type things’ to compare the baby to. Not that we both wouldn’t be thrilled to have another girl, we are having such a blast with Mallory that we would love it, but who doesn’t dream of having a girl and a boy? Once again we are not going to find out the gender until delivery, so we’ll all just have to speculate for the next 34 weeks.
Last week the little B.B. was roughly 0.13 inches long… about the size of a sliver of wood that you would find on your garage floor. :)

This week our little B.B. is 0.25 inches long… exactly the same size as a #6 zinc plated Internal Tooth Lock Washer (of course). In reality it looks more like a tadpole then a human, but has already started to develop the cups that will house its eyeballs, its heart is beating despite the fact that it is only about the size of a poppy!

Mallory on the other hand is about to turn 1!!!!!! Just 5 more days then my little baby girl has her first birthday!!!!! It’s hard to believe. She is now walking EVERYWHERE. There is no reason for her to crawl. Chase is one of her favorite games right now, and if you act like you are going to chase her, she gets sooooo ridiculously excited, she’ll try to run but her feet just don’t more that quickly yet, and she’ll end up falling. It cracks me up. It actually looks really similar to when a cartoons gears up for a fast run/chase by their legs going a million miles a minute while there body sands still….That’s what our little girl looks like… until she falls.
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dalendawn727 said...

Not sure if washers will determine anything...I'd go with nuts!

Janie said...

You are so funny!! That is awesome that you are using "garage" type things. I love hearing your weekly updates. Your dad cracks me up!

How are you feeling so far?

I can't believe Mallories b-day is already here. Big girl 1!! She will be a great big sister.

Brianna said...

You're hilarious. But, I am getting a little concerned about the hairyness of your arms. You might want to get that checked out.