If any of you have talked with me recently I'm sure that I have brought up how darn busy I am... but I haven't really wanted to get into who. I guess it's because I have felt so busy that just talking about it all feels like I have to do it/relive it all over again. Now that life is settling down a smidgen I feel like I can talk about it all... if you still care.
It's not really that my entire life is busy, its primarily my work life. Don't get me wrong I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my work... it's just overwhelming right now. Seriously! And what better way to tell you all about it but in song... Tis' the season for (to be sung to the tune of 12 days of Christmas):
12 Dogs a puking
11 Foreign bodies
10 Tumors growing
9 Limbs a breaking
8 Fevers of unknown origins
7 Diarrhea's
6 ACL tearing
5 Siiiiiick techs
4 Blocked cats
3 Exploratory laparotomies
2 Spinal meningitis'
and a boss who likes to Vaca in Hawaii
Ta Daaaaah!
And the sad/amazing part is that I am not exaggerating! It's pretty amazing how busy we are! It seems like all these animals want to die right around the holiday seasons.... right when people seem to need them the most. I can't tell you how many times a day I hear "if you could just help him/her make it through Christmas..." I feel like telling them 'I'll be happy if I can just make it through to Christmas!' :)
While that was a really fun way to share all the drama...You poor thing! Hopefully work will calm down and you will be able to fully enjoy this wonderful season of celebration!
You are amazing! Keep up the great mommy and animal work!
You're so funny! That is a great song. I may adopt is as a Christmas anthem for my family. I'm glad things are slowing down a little bit. Send some of those slowin' down vibes to my office if you can.
I wish you would have given me those lyrics before the Nutcracker so I could have had the kids sing that version. :)
I will have you know I sang it in my most theatrical voice.
Once again, you are funny. I'm sorry things have been so crazy. It does seem that loved ones, including pets, seem to get sick during the holidays. Poor people :(
I hope you have a bit of a slow down/vacation soon. I'll be thinking about you.
I don't envy your job....but do love it that if my dog gets sick I will have someone to ask advice about....
just what you want to hear huh!!!
sad!!! gosh, maybe we dont want a dog someday just so we dont have to go through that! And I agree, you are so funny!!
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