Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


My little family has had a very… interesting 4 days. It all started Sunday morning. Matthew noticed that Mallory was more ‘snuggly’ then normal (she’s not really too much of a snuggle-bug, especially with her daddy). But that day all she wanted was to be carried and hugged. Then, as they were snuggling on the couch, she vomited all over!!!!! Covering her, Matthew and the couch.
Yuck. The rest of Sunday we took it easy and she (thankfully) only vomited a few more times. Matthew stayed home from work Monday with her and the sickness switched from vomiting to diarrhea (equally and nasty, but at least mostly contained in her diaper)! Monday afternoon I started to feel a little ‘off’ and by 8pm I was hugging the toilet! Vomiting is no fun any way you slice it, but add in a 8 ½ month pregnant belly and its hell… oh wait, not quite hell yet… once you add in leaking out BOTH ends simultaneously (which started at 11:30) no that’s hell!!!!!
Ahhhhhhhh! For 9 hours I couldn’t stop either. I seriously smelled like a scouring calf/lamb… the ones that you walk into the barn and think, ‘oh that’s the smell of death.’ It was THAT bad! The second I tried to re-hydrate with the world’s smallest sip of water it would come up and out! Since my G.I tract was in such a state of constant constrictions/contraction, so was my uterus! Poor little B.B. didn’t know what to do. My belly was a hard rock for about 7 of the 9 hours! At 4 am things mellowed out enough that I could leave the bathroom for a few minutes at a time, so I called my dad since I knew he would be up, for a little sympathy/support/distraction. After chatting for a while he woke my mom up who told me to get into the hospital. (She even called her department and told them I would be there). So at 4:45 I was up in the OB department getting all checked in. I was so dehydrated blood was coming out in my urine, so they got me hooked up to some IV fluids, gave me drugs for both the vomiting and diarrhea (which I had to take multiple times to finally get everything to settle down/feel better/stop). But it did all stop!!!! The next order of business was getting the contractions under control. I was having 6/7 an hour (which is the number that they say to come into the hospital when they are worried about pre-term labor). But they checked me, and I wasn’t dilated though BB’s head was/is really low and fully engaged! Once they ran 2 liters of fluids into me, the contractions maintained at 6/hr and I was sent home at 11:30 with strict instructions to rest, stay hydrated and if there is ANY increase in frequency/intensity of contractions that I was to come right back in. This morning things are looking up! Mallory slept 12 ½ hours while I slept 10!!!!!! I was out like a rock! We both are still having nasty liquid booty issues, but no vomiting and I can even eat a little without it all exiting. Oh the simple joys in life. Now let’s all keep our fingers crossed that Matthew doesn’t come down with it!!!!!


familyof5 said...

ugh. You poor thing! gag.

Janie said...

Ewwy! I am so sorry. There is nothing worse than being that pregnant and getting sick. There is so sympathy flowing your way.

how scary that you had to got to the hospital!! I am glad you didn't dilate and that everything is OK. I hope Mathew doesn't get it. Good luck. I wish you, get well soon and solid bowels!

Brianna said...

Wow, that was a lot of information ;) I am so sorry that you had to deal with this!! I had food poisoning while pregnant but was only 5 months. VERY different experience I'm sure. I wish I was there to help in some way! (well, in the kind of way that wouldn't require me being in your house among the germs...)

Speciale said...

Oh my goodness, that is just not right! I am so sorry! Flu is horrible by itself, but put pregnancy on top! Gesh, well I'm glad things are looking up now :)

Kristen said...

Ugh! I feel so bad that you had to go through this! I'm glad you listened to your Mama & went to the hospital! I hope you are feeling better after a few days rest!!

jer said...
