Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, January 30, 2012

35 (and a 1/2) Weeks

I am alive! I have made it through that crazy bug and am feeling great! Mallory is back to her normal self finally too! Man, that was horrid.
Anyway, I know that I forgot to take a 34 week picture, so here it is… at 34 weeks BB was exactly the size of the push broom (the bristle part). Now at 35 weeks BB is 18 ½ inches long (the size of one of the left over wooden dowels from our closet make-over) and 5 ½ to 6 pounds! Its liver and kidneys are now fully functional and doing just what a ‘real babies’ liver and kidneys do. Really, all that is going to be happening from here on out is that BB is going to be gaining and gaining and gaining weight… and taking up more and more room inside me. I can actually palpate me stomach because of how high and forward it is being pushed and it’s only about 1 ½ inches long. Poor tummy, all shrunken and pinched.
We had another baby dr. appointment today. All is well… maybe too well. BB’s heart rate was bouncing between 135-140 and its head is in Stage 1 (which just means that the head has entered into the inlet or the pelvic brim), I am 1 ½ cm dilated and I am 50% effaced (and very ‘spongy’). So pretty sure that BB is NOT going to make is to March… probably won’t make it past mid February…. YIKEES! Or YIPEE! I’m not sure which one I’m feeling more at the moment. My midwife and my mom would really like it if I could keep BB in there for another 10 days (making me 37 weeks)… I’m not sure if I have that much power over my body or this BB, but I’ll try!!!
Ok, NOT to freak anyone out (especially my mom), but I just went back to my Pregnant with Mallory postings… and on July 9th I was 1 cm dilated and %60 effaced… then 6… yes SIX days later Mallory was born. I’m not ready for 6 days… I think I’m going to sit here with my legs crossed doing to world’s longest/tightest kegel for the next 10 days. (How is it that 10 seem SO much further out then 6)?????
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Janie said...

This is soooooo exciting!!!!!!!! 10 does seem a lot longer than 6 when you are pregnant. I think you can feel the impact of time more when you are pregnant. That baby needs to wait for 10! Chill out BB; you need a little more roastin'.

I can't believe it is already that time. Do you guys have names or are you keeping that a surprise too?

I hope your teeny little tummy can hang in there too.

Glad you are feeling better.

Speciale said...

Wow!! Are you kidding?! That is so early! I can't believe how fast this all going (for me as an observer anyway lol). Hang in there BB, at least 10 more days!! Can't wait to hear everything and see pix and hopefully someday meet him/her!

jer said...

Legs crossed. Huh? That doesn't work when I have to pee, how is it going to work to hold a baby in?

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness! Yes, Kegel, Kegel, Kegel! I'll do some for ya too! So excited for BB to arrive (in no less than 10 days!)!!