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Monday, November 1, 2010

I Was Runnin (said in a Forest Gump voice)

I did it! On Saturday Carrie (my cousin) and I ran a 1/2 marathon! That's right 13.1 miles baby! I know, most of you are saying, 'hey, I didn't even know you were training for a 1/2 marathon.' To be honest I didn't really know I was either, until about 4 weeks ago. That's when Carrie came up to me and said, "your back to running again, right?" I told her I was (though I was only running 3-4 miles at that point), so she asked if I wanted to run in a 1/2 marathon. I have ALWAYS wanted to, but never had anyone to do it with, so I excitedly said "yes"! That's when I found out that that the race was only 4 weeks away!!!! Yikes! My life is so busy/crazy/hectic that I knew I wasn't going to have the time to properly train, so I wasn't really sure if I could even really do it. So I guess I didn't tell everyone because the competitive side of me didn't want to fail! But I did it! WE did it! I am soooooo proud of us! It was lots and lots of fun! Sweaty, hot, cold, aching, blister-filled fun!!!! Thank you Carrie for being the motivating factor behind getting me to run! The race was in beautiful Healdsburg, where we got to enjoy the most beautiful scenery as we ran alongside vineyards AND it didn't rain! What a blessing!

We started at 7:30am and we finished in 2 hours and 17 minutes! We finished about 1/3 in the pack of runners (there were a little over 2000 people). We ran about a 10 minute mile and didn't ever even stop! We are going to do another on in January! I'm supper excited about it! Finishing was such a high! It made me feel so good! My body was a little sore/stiff that night, but well worth it and I feel GREAT! It love feeling like this, like even though I just had a baby 3 1/2 months ago my body and mind can still do these really active/dificult things! I told Carrie that maybe after baby #2 we should do a full marathon! (But I think I'll have to actually train for that one)! :)

Post race we HAD to do a little wine tasting... I mean those are the perks of living in Sonoma County, right?


Janie said...

Wow!! I am thoroughly impressed!! Good job guys. That is a lot of work! So proud. Both of you are looking hot! Hope you had a nice Halloween.

dalendawn727 said...

You may not have been the fastest ladies there, but you were easily the cutest. I am VERY proud of you.

Katie said...

That is so awesome! Way to go! I can't believe you could do that so soon after having Mallory. You are amazing!

Brian says great job!!! Isn't running awesome?!

Brianna said...

Well, you already know my thoughts: "What a crazy, wacky, wonderful thing to do having just had a beautiful baby girl." You should also know that I am soooo proud of you. I have started and stopped training for 2 1/2 marathons. Maybe after baby #3, I can run with you!