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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Growing Baby Klein

So I guess I have so catching up to do with all of you...
Back in September Matthew and I thought "hey now would be a fun time to start TRYING to have a baby" (since we kept being told that it could/can take up to a year or more to get preggers since I had been on B.C. for so long). Well apparently we tried a little too hard because 2 months later I was pregnant. We are lovingly referring to the baby as "The Gremlin" because I'm pretty sure I got knocked up on Halloween. :) Any way neither of us can keep a secret so we told everyone right away! I was socked to learn how quickly the little Gremlin grows, so I wanted to share it with Matthew, so each week Matthew reluctantly puts out his hand and I put a piece of fruit (or whatever) into it to represent the baby.... so here's a rundown of the last few weeks...

5 weeks= apple seed

6 weeks= Pea

7 weeks= Blue Berry

8 weeks= Razberry

9 weeks= Green olive

10 Weeks= Prune

11 Weeks= Lime


Janie said...

That is such a cute visual!! Very cleaver blog idea. I will be getting great ideas from you!! Thanks for doing this.

Kristen said...

Awe, so cute! Your baby is a lime! :)
Congratulations again and again! It'll be fun to watch the Gremlin grow.

Lynn said...

I think of the movie "Juno" and how the idea that her baby had fingernails somehow made it real to her... I remember my friend Ronn, when his second daughter was a couple of weeks from being born, he said something about, "When the baby gets here," and his wife said, "hey, mister, that baby is here right now - she's just not OUT yet!!"

It's VERY exciting news and I'm jazzed to watch the progress-- *smooches*

Jer said...

Leave it up to you Jessica-creative, endearing, and involving food (just like you!)
Miss you!