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Monday, August 15, 2011

Work Update

I just realized that I haven’t given you all a work update…. And last you knew ‘work was work’. Well, that is no longer the case. I can’t tell you how much fun/mentally stimulating work is! Now, in hind site I realize that God truly did have a reason behind what I felt like at the time was a horrible/hopeless situation. The caliber of medicine that I know get to practice is phenomenal! (Not to toot my own horn… but, Toot, Toot). The tests that these clients allow me to run are out of this world, the things I’m learning and cases I’m seeing are more then I had ever dreamed of!!!!! I feel like I am getting to practice the quality of medicine that I have heard all my classmates talk about!
So now looking back I am flabbergasted by the fact that I COULD have stayed at the original hospital that felt ‘comfortable’ due to how familiar it was and never would have realized how much MORE I could be/do…. And I would have been ok with at (6 months ago)… but now, when just the other day someone mentioned that ‘maybe you could work back for Dr. Dave in the future’ the first thing I thought was I will NEVER go back to practicing that sort of medicine. Not that its bad medicine, it’s just not how I want to practice any longer. You know? I do have to pay credit to Dr. Dave though; HE gave me the foot-in-the-door that I needed to break into the small animal world, so I have to thank him for that… But now I feel as though I have spread my wings and am finally learning just how much I am capable of! It is an electrifying feeling! So YES, I am LOVING work again!
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Katie said...

That is awesome! Congrats!

Janie said...

I am so glad to read this!! Yay! It's funny how life doesn't always work out how "we" plan. The Lord knows so much better than we do. It's funny how you are practicing on small animals when you though you only wanted to do large. I love hearing about your progress. Keep it up. You are amazing.

P.S. I may be able to stay all day in Sac on Sunday. Does that change anything???

Speciale said...

How awesome, I am so happy for you! It always feels good to make improvements at work, although this improvement started out feeling disastrous!

Brianna said...

I am so happy that you are feeling better about your work!! I am so proud of you that I can't even put it into words. Ok, I'll try:
* You are awesome!!!
* Working mothers around the world should bow down and kiss your feet (though the animal hair may preclude that).
* You are raising such a smart, beautiful, curious, etc etc baby girl and grooming the next to join the clan.

You are truly blessed!

Michelle said...

So wonderful to hear!! :-)