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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

1th Dr. Apt.

I had my first baby doctor appointment last week for little B.B. It went great! According to ‘them’ I am currently due anywhere from March 3rd to march 8th. Not really sure what date to go with. (March 3rd sounds better to me, since its sooner).
With that in mind here are the week 10 stats (yup, I’m already a ¼ of the way finished)…
Little B.B is about a 1 ½ inches long (roughly the size of a large paper clip). Its little bones and cartilage are growing and tooth buds are forming, along with hair and fingernails. B.B’s inner ear is now working, which means it can hear! Sooooo fun. It can bend at the elbow and has distinct fingers (no more webbing). Its ‘basic’ brain divisions are also present…. And when I say ‘basic’ I mean highly advanced and very, very smart!
I can’t believe how much quicker this pregnancy is happening. I already have a baby bump going on and I am putting on weight like it’s a race (guess what, I win)! Uhgggggg!

This pregnancy has been quite different so far, I was sick! I mean vomiting sick for about 3 weeks. Just the sight or the image of meat would bring it on. I still don’t feel wonderful, but at least it’s just a dry heave every now and again. I have been breaking out like crazy (I feel like a teenager) and I’m MUCH more moody then with Mallory. Matthew walked in to the kitchen a few weeks ago and there I was, sobbing! All by my self, just crying! He asked me why I was crying and my tearful reply was “I (sob) don’t (sob) know” sniff, sniff! Some people are speculating that all these ‘new’ events mean that I’m having a boy…. But on the other hand I keep hearing that ‘every pregnancy is different’ even if it’s the same gender. So for those of you with gender duplicates, what do you think?

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Anonymous said...

All of mine were different and they all came out boys!!!!!! Can't wait to see the 3 of you in Aug. :) love, Aunt Dottie

Brianna said...

Well...I was sick similarly with all three. I couldn't tell much difference but then again...I am not super in tune with my body. Step 1: I'm pregnant. Step 2: I'm huge. Step 3: I have a baby. I'm no help :(

Katie said...

Congrats!!! I had no idea you were prego. So exciting!
March 3 is great! That is my sons b-day. :)
I was WAY sick with my girls and hardly sick at all with my son.
It will be fun seeing your growth of baby examples again! I have missed them.

Janie said...

All three were different for me. Owen was by far the hardest, which doesn't go with the wives tales. I thought Reece was a boy because I felt so much better with her than with Olivia. So moral of the story, it's all one big surprise. I think you will be able to guess though by how you carry as you get further along. I have heard from TONS of women that when they had boys they carried all if it in the tummy and really out front. With girls they gained everywhere and carried more even. It was very true for me. I wasn't as wide with him. My thighs and hips didn't get wide with Owen as they did with the girls.

I am SUPER excited!! I can't wait to hear more updates. I hope you start evening out in your emotions and how you feel. Love you.

Michelle said...

All I know is that I'm hoping for a boy to play with Xavier!!! :-)

Speciale said...

How fun!!! I do not need to get baby fever, so stop making me all giddy! lol :) I'm stoked for all these updates, can't wait for more.

familyof5 said...

I am loving the "boy comparisons" this time around!! Hopefully it will work! Congrats!!!!