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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Child Has WHAT????

Yesterday Mallory work up and crumbled to the floor as she tried to stand. It was as if her left leg just stopped working. It was heartbreaking. I had no idea what was wrong with her. She hadn’t had any falls, crashes or injuries… just a little runny nose and cough. So there my little girl was on the floor arms raised telling me “Up mamma. Carry you.” (By ‘you’ she actually means herself). She ended up having a very low grade fever so I called the doctor who said to give her some Motrin and if it isn’t better in 2 hours (or gets worse) to bring her in. Sadly after 2 hours Mallory still could not bear any weight on it and would fall if she tried to walk (thankfully she was still happy and didn’t seem to be in any pain, or even seem to mind the fact that she literally couldn’t walk). I of coarse am thinking of every terrible cause for lameness and fever that I see in my profession and am really starting to freak myself out, so I called my mom, who set the prayer chain into motion and off to the doctor’s office we went. Turns out she has Toxic Synovitis!!!!! Sounds scary I know… but it’s just a fancy way of saying a viral induced arthritis… yeah that still sounds a little frightening.  Basicly what happened is that the cold virus that she has also set up camp in her left hip joint (not causing a septic joint though), just pain. It occurs in about 3% of children and usually seen in boys ages 4-6… so it’s a little strange that Mallory Rose, my 20 month old girl has it. But after spending the day resting and taking Motrin ever 6 hours she WALKED herself bed by the end of the day and today is running around like nothing ever happened (all that remains is a very slight limp). Praise God that is was nothing more serious and that she is such a trooper!


Kevin said...

Wow, scary one.

Anonymous said...

Sorry that you (all of you) had to go through that! The road of parenthood is not without it's bumps----let's just hope that yours are just little ones!

love to all, Aunt Dottie

Katie said...

Oh my...I can't imagine how scary that must have been.
Glad you are doing better Mallory! You are one tough little girl!

M. Maudlin said...

I'm SO glad she is ok!!!!

Janie said...

How scary! I am glad that she is OK. Is this more likely to occur next time she gets a cold?!? I sure hope not. Poor baby.

Brianna said...

I remember Jacob limping like crazy once near/after a cold. The doctor told us those viruses can just settle in to their little joints. I am so sorry Mallory had to go through that (well...more you because she sounds like it didn't phase her). You have an impressive, tough little girl! Loving you from here.