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Monday, March 10, 2014

37 Weeks (and change)

 This is what happens when I try to rest... if it's not the cat, its a kid or two... or ALL of them!
So I made it to 37 weeks (and then some). Prior to stopping work I would have bet money that BK3 would have come before now… but since having a week off to ‘relax’ the baby seems quite happy and content to stay put. The contractions are down to more ‘normal’ tightening/Braxton contractions, which I guess is good. Though I wouldn’t mind a little more action. I have even tried to stimulate some more vigorous contractions (since baby is fully cooked) by going on walks, having sex, drinking a little vino, cleaning the bathrooms (floor scrubbing included), cleaning the refrigerator, detailing the Subi and eating curry. At this moment nothing’s really working. Apparently I need to go back to the good-ol’ fashion stress of work.(don’t worry I’m not).
But I am getting really anxious for this little one to arrive though… not only to meet and snuggle him/her, but to put an end to all the pregnancy ‘issues’ that I have had as of late. The ligaments on either side of my groin are gone. I mean GONE! The thought (let alone the action) of adducting my legs is almost comical plus oddly uncomfortable. Also, I feel like a turtle stuck on its back when I lay down, the heartburn isn’t even controlled by the medication I’m on for it, the having to pee every hour is starting to get just a LITTLE annoying and sleep? What’s that? Last night I woke up at 1:30 and was up for the rest of the night. I couldn’t go back to sleep so I read and worked on my photo album (at least I was productive). I wish I could say I was up timing contractions… but nooooooo, I was just UP! So we’ll see how it goes and we’ll see when this baby arrives… hopefully sooner rather than later. Times up kid!

At 37 weeks the baby is a little over 19 inches: which is the length of Wesley's and Mallory's personal little chairs. Any baby should weigh around 6 1/2 pounds.

1 comment:

Janie said...

I love it! If I were there I would snuggle on you too! I know the feeling of already and tired of all the annoyances at the end. I hope baby comes soon for you. You are still so active even without work.