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Monday, September 16, 2013

Week 12 and Stuff

Ok, I'm not even going to pretend to stay up on the blog. My life is too filled with other things... like life. And I have too much to do to stress/feel guilty about the blog. I'm actually contemplating stopping it all together... but haven't decided yet.
Pregnancy #3 is going great. If it wasn't for my ever-growing chest and belly and my constant hunger I wouldn't even know. It's been a cake walk so far (fingers crossed). This weekend I was 12 weeks! One more week and I'm into the second trimester! Here are the past 3 weeks size pics.
Week 10: 1.25 inches... almost the exact length of all those broken crayons that I find in Mallory room.

Week 11: 1.75 inches...Ahhhh "B" is for baby.
Week 12: 2.5 inches... the size of Little Elmo (one of the few small toys that we have somehow managed not to loose, despite taking it to San Diego, Oregon, Car trips and Shopping. Don't ask me how.)
Some other fun things that we have been up to are enjoying visits from friends. Janie and her beautiful family came to visit (they had business stuff to do... but I like to pretend it was JUST to see me). It's always amazing to see Baker... and this time was even a little more special (if that's even possible) because both of us are pregnant! Which despite all our pregnancies (her 4th my 3rd) has never happened before! So it was fun to rub tummies. Mallory had a great time hanging out with her older girls too... she felt very special that they wanted to play with her.

Then Jeralyn came to visit! She's such a trooper, she had a smile on her face all day (even after spending 2 hours driving here to hang out with me and my CRAZY children!) :) I love when Jeralyn visits... I get to catch up on all the ins and outs of other people that I don't stay in contact with and live vicariously through her and her dating adventures! :)

And last but not least the 4 (and a half) of us went camping for 3 days and 2 nights. It was all-in-all wonderful... despite forgetting our pillows (Matthew went back and got them), and having to pee multiple times a night in the dark, the crazy velosa-raptor sounding animal screeching ALL through the night and the kids bickering over who gets to hold the flash light... or the pink chalk... or the stick... or the leaf. But we hopefully created some fun memories. At least for Matthew and me!


Anonymous said...

You can't stop your blog. How will I ever keep up with you and your family? Besides, if you are printing out the blog it's the best baby book ever!!!! I love the connection it gives me to you----and after all, it is all about ME---right?

love you, Aunt Dottie

Anonymous said...

No, Dottie, it's all about me and I love reading about my grandkids and seeing all the pictures. And I know Jessie will realize how much her kids will treasure the blog. Maybe what she needs are a couple of ghost writers. We could do the entries and give her a much more exciting life!

Michelle said...

I only have one child and I'm months behind on my blog, so you're doing great! Yay for 12 weeks & rubbing tummies with Janie & all the other fun stuff!

Janie said...

First of all, I did just come to see you!!! I contemplated not coming because I knew the hassle it would be to travel with our pack of kids but I wanted to see you!

Second, I like the silly pictures Matthew got of us. We're so silly-cute. And I love that Owen is playing with the dog in the background so his face can blow up later.

It's funny how little vacations become so much work and irritation for the parents but what great memories they are for the kids (which is why we go through the torture). My mom and I talk about it all the time. All those family trips I took as a child are still amazing memories for me and were a whole lot of work for my poor parents. You and Matthew are amazing parents!!! You kids are so lucky/blessed to be born into the Klein home.

Third, Don't you DARE quit blogging. Even if it's once a month. I bug everyone to print it like I do at the end of each year. I love that Olivia will spend an hour at a time reading back through passed years and laughing at the things that have happened in the past with our family. Plus I would miss it soooo much.

Can't wait to see your new little one! I feel more impatient this go around! BELLY PICTURES!!!