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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Little Scare

Wesley has had quite a day... to say the least. It all started this morning when we had a 9:45 doctors appointment for his 15 month check up. Stats and physical were all good, until Dr. Notch got to the heart. The doctor picked up a very low grade but present systolic murmur (i got yo hear it too). In vet-med about 50 percent of the puppies I see have a murmur of some sort. They almost all eventually goes away...apparently its the same in human medicine. And 99 percent of those murmurs are not a big deal, but there was still that small chance that our little buckaroos murmur would be in that one percent that would resolve or would need treatment of some sort, so the doctor recommended we had it have it checked out. So Wesley had his oxygenation monitored, blood pressure taken, chest xrays, vaccinations and a EKG all between 10am and noon! Quite a lot for a 15 month old to handle. Poor guy zonked out on the short 5 minute car ride home. Mallory was a trooper and a huge help...actually she was the only thing that entertained him and got him quiet during the EKG. We already have all the results back and praise the Lord all of it looks normal!!!!!! The murmur should be monitored but it is anticipated it will go away!
Oh and this is how they take chest radiographs on babies...crazy, huh? Its like some old-time torture devise.


lowrain said...

glad for medical tests but so hard. bless your hearts.

familyof5 said...

Oh my gosh. That looks terrible. I would cry. Even if I wasnt in that thing.....Actually my eyes are kinda watering right now.....
Glad its all good!!!

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness, this looks awful for everyone! So glad everything came back okay! I've been having a feeling something was going on this week and thought I'd check the blog to see what was up. Hope everything else is okay over there. Love ya!

Janie said...

Oh goodness! Poor little guy :(. I would be mad too if they put me in that contraption. I'm glad everything turned out OK. It's scary to hear that your beautiful child might have health issues. I hate that.