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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

No Pressure

Since Christmas life has been fun, exciting and very full!!!! So I’m sorry about the lack of posts. For the past 5 or 6 months Mallory has had a favorite game that she made up…. It’s called ‘Lets Fix Tigger.’ In this game she is a doctor (along with Dr. Pig and Dr. Lion… which are little finger puppets) and we/they all fix Tigger. Sometimes Tigger is just sick, other times (like today) she says that he was bit by a fox on his leg. The back-stories that she comes up with of why Tigger is in the hospital are always really funny . So, for Christmas mom made her a Doctor coat and gave her a ton of doctor toys (stethoscope, thermometer, bandages, cap, masks, suction device, medicine bottles, reflex hammer, gloves….). Since then you can find her all scrubbed up and going into surgery to ‘Fix Tigger’ every day!!!!! She also LOVES to hear about my work. Every night when I get home, while sitting at the dinner table she’ll put her elbow on the table, rest her chin in her hand and lean towards me and say “Momma, lets talk about your day at work.” she wants to know about every case that I saw, how they got hurt, what test I ran, and how/if I could fix them. Not that I am pressuring her to be a doctor…. But she does have a innate love and interest in it. :)


dalendawn727 said...

Well all i can say is that I hope Tigger has a good HMO plan to cover all these Dr. visits and proceedures. Maybe Baker should consider seeing Mallory for what ails her.

Michelle said...

This is so cute! I sure enjoy hearing about your cases, so I can understand why she always wants to hear about them too!

Janie said...

That is so cute but also amazing. How many kids at that age want to hear details about their parents work! No matter what she decides to do in life she is going to be awesome!