Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Happy Halloween

Halloween was fun. Wet, but fun.
Mallory wanted to be a Spider (don't ask me why, I still haven't figured that out), and Wesley was a Raccoon. It rained all through trick-or-treating, but it made for great memories. Mallory pretty much 'got' Halloween this year. It was fun to watch. She would stomp up to the door in her purple rain boots and umbrella and say "tick-or treat" to the closed door. "Mallory," we would tell her, "you have to wait until you knock on the door." She she would then knock on the door and immediately say "trick-or-treat." "Mallory, you have to wait until someone opens the door." Then when someone would open the door Mallory would shyly mumble "trick-or-treat." But as soon as she was given candy she would excitedly want to move on to another house (and the entire process was repeated). Good times.

1 comment:

Janie said...

As long as she didn't name herself Piss! hahahaha. I think she is a cute spider. something tells me that she will never be the "conventional" type! They are both adorable.