Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

9 Months

Wesley has now been growing in the outside world, as long as he was growing in my inside world! I can’t believe he’s 9 months old. He is a wonderful little man. Full of joy, laughter, contentment and just the right amount of neediness to keep us from forgetting about him and we chase after Mallory. From the get-go I had pegged him as a laid back, don’t want to rush sort of fellow… I was wrong (so much for mother’s instincts). He wants to play and follow Mallory so badly that there is no holding him back, staying put or tying him down! This past month he has started doing so much… He says Daada, and will have a conversation with you (back and forth) if you ‘aaaaa’ at him. He ‘zips’ around the house doing what I have termed ‘Monster Crawling’ (since he drags himself around with his arms while on his belly like a zombie with missing legs)… most normal people call it an Army Crawl. Anyway, as a result you should check out the shoulder muscles on this boy! Dang! Wesley pulls himself up on everything and has started ‘cruzing’ and just tonight started using the push/walking toy and was taking lots of little unsteady steps forward. He has even started pushing himself up to a standing position from the ground (without holding onto anything) and standing there for 5-10 seconds before toppling over! So despite my hope of having a baby that wanted to remain stagnant, it seems that Mallory is too much of a temptation and he is determined to run after her (sooner rather than later). He’s a total cheese ball, and has grins like a mad-man when we take the camera out…these grins are so big that he practically goes blind in the process. It cracks be up! Oh and he FINALLY has teeth. Two cute little bottom ones. And no shocker here, he still loves, loves, loves to eat! I only am nursing him once a day (in the mornings). It was a joint decision between him and me. As his distractibility went WAY up, my milk went WAY down. I have tons and tons of frozen breast milk though so we don’t have to worry about buying formula ever!  Oh and he is weighing in at a whooping 21.2 pounds! There you have it.


Janie said...

What a BIG boy! I can't believe he is already down to only 1 a day nursing! Your kids are HUNGRY. He is hopelessly adorable and I love his cheesy grin! He is going to be walking/running before you can blink; look OUT. I can't wait to hear how the interaction is between he an Mallory when he starts walking around. So motivating to have an older sibling.

And don't worry about the intuition stuff. I totally thought Owen was going to be my laid back saving grace and he is just the opposite. Cute little grin and steals my heart at the same time, destroying my little house and teasing his sisters mercilessly. Good luck :)

lowrain said...

What a great big beautiful boy he is. Now that's my kind of baby!!!!So about that cream?????
Beautiful family Jessie, and I love your top pumpkin patch pix