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Thursday, November 18, 2010


One of the biggest things that I am struggling with at the moment is learning how to juggle being a mom, a wife, a vet, a daughter, a friend.... while at the same time remembering how to just be ME. Does that make sense? I have always been a gal who enjoyed time on my own. I could spend hours reading, going to the gym, out hiking, doing arts and crafts.... all the while not having to even talk to anyone! Even when Matthew and I were dating, there were times that he would want to hang out, and I would just want to be by myself. So it's really strange now to feel like I have to be here/there for this tiny little person that we created. Not that I am complaining about it, I LOVE motherhood... I just miss me a little. Geez, that sounds so selfish. It's funny because when I think about it, it would seem like I would get my me time by being at work... no baby, no Matthew, no house work..., but here I am always dealing with other peoples problems, emotional breakdowns, emergency's and deaths that there isn't even time for me to even just enjoy breathing. This is all normal, right?


Janie said...

It's totally normal. It is such a sacrifice. But the reward comes when they look at you one day and tell you how much they love you or how pretty you look, or that you are the best mom in the whole world. The one line makes years of sacrifice suddenly worth it. As I am typing this, Reece just came up to me and rubbed my leg and said,"I like your jammas mama, they are cute".

Don't worry, you are normal. :) Sort of :) ha ha ha.

Brianna said...

So normal it's almost as if I could have been writing this--minus the dying animals of course.

You are not crazy. You have to MAKE time for yourself. It WILL NOT happen organically. Even 15 minutes to take a walk on your own with help. Make it happen woman and welcome to the world of the working mom! Our club is glad to have you :)

liz said...

It is normal!!! :) being a mama is a sacrifice... having to give of yourself in all ways! Like Janie said.. so rewarding! Jackson came up to me the other day.. wearing one of my necklaces.. he held his little hand up to his heart and said, "bank-you mama, bank-you." and turned around and walked away! SIMPLY ADORABLE! Remember to take time for your sanity too... love you Jessica! You are an incredible mama, friend...