Tuesday, January 27, 2015


I got an email from my mother-in-law tonight regarding 'Why God Made Moms...'. It was answered by 2nd graders with cute little non-logical but endearing answers. I thought that I would ask Mallory (to see the difference between her 4 year old and the 7 year olds brains)... not a shock, her answers were more logical for the (most part).

1) Why did God make mothers? Because they are one of his creations.
2) What ingredients are mothers made of? Skin, blood, bones, eyes, nose, mouth, muscles. And hair... I almost forgot about that one.
3)Why did God give you your mother and not some other mom? Cuz he thought that I loved you most.
4) What kind of little girl was your mom? A mother. Like her skin right now, just little.
5) What did your mom need to know about your dad before she married him? If he played rugby.
6) Why did your mom marry your dad? Cuz she loved him.
7) Who's the boss in your house? Daddy and Momma.
8) What's the difference between mom's and dad's? Daddy's skin is different. It has hair on it and mommas doesn't. Daddy doesn't wear glasses. (after re-wording it to what is the difference between boys and girls? Mallory said 'Boys have a penis, girls like us have a Fagina).
9) What does your mom do in her spare time? She goes to work (sigh... how sad is this truthful answer)
10) What would it take to make your mom perfect? Love her more.
11) If you could change on thing about your mom, what would it be? To put her back into a little girl, like me!

How cute (and logical) are those answers!!!!!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Beautiful Day

Happy Winter!? Fall? Heck, California's weather is just a little confused. And I'm ok with that. Look at how beautiful it is outside!!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

With a BANG!

Runners, on your mark.... Get set.... BANG!
Julie and I started the new years with a little 5K race. It went great. Aside from the cold. It was 36 degrees... which for us sissy California folk that is REALLY, REALLY cold!  I made decent time (8:22 per mile, but was slower then I had intended... but I hadn't taken into account the COLD). My joints (knees especially) were yelling at me and so stiff post run that I we used my parents hot tub to warm up/cool down all at once.