Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

30 weeks

BK3 is growing like a weed, and pretty sure she/he is already practicing to be a member of the Rockettes! Seriously from 3-4  am every morning there is a full-out dance party going on inside my uterus! I can't believe that I am 3/4 of the way there! That means if treads continue (as they did with Mallory and Wesley) I'll be early... which means possibly in 7-8 weeks I'll have this sweet little baby in my arms and finally know what and who 'it' is!!!!
Week 28: 15 inches and 2 pounds...just about the size of the adorable Owl that my mom knit for Wesley before he was born.

   Week 29: 15.5 inches and 2 1/2 pounds makes him/her the size of Tickle Me Elmo... better known  
    as 'Big Elmo' around this house.
    Week 30: 16 inches and about 3 (+) pounds so roughly the size of one of Wesley's trucks...  if the
     top/lid is open. (Its getting hard to find toys that are big enough).  


Janie said...

That sounds so soon! Even though I am doubting now, that mine will ever come out, yours seems like we will blink and BK3 will be here. I have big toys if you would like to come borrow some for your pictures ;-)

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see "the real thing". Glad all is well. Hope the perfect house is just waiting for your family and you'll find it soon.
Hugs to all, Aunt Dottie
Oh, GO BRONCOS!!!!!!!

Michelle said...

So excited for BK3 to arrive! Love your description of the baby movements!