Thursday, August 30, 2012

Just Peachy

Life has been busy as ever... so sorry for the lack of posts. These past few weeks I have been working more then the usual 2-3 days a week, it's been 4-5 (and they are 10 hour days minimum). The good news is that I am love, love, loving work, but bad news is I am missing my kiddo's/husband like crazy, so on my days off I am just soaking them in.
 The other week I FINALLY got around to picking the peaches from the tree... I got 9 full bags! 2 I took to work to share, 2 I froze, 2 mom froze and 3 we used to make 84 jars of jam and jelly! That's right, 84!!!!! It was fun.... took about 6 hours, but fun and yummy. Guess what people are getting for Christmas?!?!?! Oh Angie, do you want some for the Africa trip fundraiser (just thought of it)?
Also, remember that sweater I made for Klein baby #1, yeah the baby that I KNEW was going to be a boy? I finally got to use it (the sweater, not the baby). Looking at Wesley in it, I feel like he should be just getting off a Nordic fishing trip.... the sweater, the pale skin the stunning indigo blue eyes. Any way, fun to finally see the sweater on a baby instead of hanging in the closet. 


  1. You made that sweater? Stop being talented and stuff. It makes me feel bad about myself. He is so beautiful...I can't get over it. Oh, and the peaches are nice too :) I love the apron on Mallory. So sweet to match your mommy.

  2. Wish I'd been there :(

    love you all, Aunt Dottie

  3. UHMMMMMMM YES!!!!!! Pick out a jar (or two) and I would love to add that to the stack of silent auction stuff!!!!!!!!

  4. Whoa...84 jars!!! They look so yummy! California is the place to be for delicious food. No doubt about it.
    Wesley is just adorable!! Cute sweater!

  5. The sweater looks great and they jam looks YUMMY! Good work.
