Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Little Man

I know that all parents must think that their offspring are the best… but in my case, it’s true! Wesley is such a wonderful little man. He is mellow, relaxed, and all around content with life. He is only getting up 1-2 times a night to feed and goes immediately back to bed! He is happy just swinging/hanging out as we play and read with Mallory and doesn’t ever cry when she ‘pats’ him a little too hard. He is such a joy and blessing to our family. I am amazed at the depth of the love that I feel for him, while at the same time still constantly increasing my love for Mallory, it’s like I am going to over flow with bubbly, squishy, lovey-dovey-ness.
Mallory has been AMAZING with her little brother. No animosity or resentment towards him at all. It’s been ‘my baby’ this and ‘my brover Wessssleeeey’ that. It’s too cute. The one thing that has been a little challenging is that for a week (+) our house has been like a revolving door of visitors. Every day we have tons of people stopping by, bringing gifts, love, cards and food… what a blessing. But it has made things tough for Mallory (who needs a little more structure and discipline) then she had been getting from all the playmates that have stopped by. So needless to say we are working on getting her back on track and reminding her that we are in charge… not her (despite what she thinks). But all in all I can’t complain, our family has transitioned from a threesome to a foursome relatively seamlessly!
Here’s the Garage Photo Collage… ok, how silly would it have been if Wesley was a little girl… good thing we all knew he was a boy! (I think we lucked out on that one).
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Janie said...

He is a special little guy! I LOVED being with him, holding him and kissing that sweet boy. Isn't it amazing the increase in love you get with more children? You guys are a great family of four. Can't wait to see more updates on the kids.

How is the jaundice?

dalendawn727 said...

Oh that silly Mallory, thinking she is in charge. I just can't imagine where she gets it from. Now we can only hope that she, too, will be able to find a Matthew to put up with her.
Hanging with Wesley is SO great. I think you should just hide out at our house!

familyof5 said...

EEEEKKK! Loving it that you are doing so well!!! I want to come by, but DO NOT want to lug my zoo crew, so I will wait for a convenient time with no kiddos to stop by!

Brianna said...

What a great picture!!! LOVE IT! I can't wait to snuggle your little man :) He is such a doll. Mallory is going to be (and is) a great big sister. You are lucky parents, and they are certainly lucky kids to have you and Matthew. Bravo on creating such a cute, sweet, loving family unit. I am blessed to have you as my friend/family.

lowrain said...

Congratulations to you all. Your family is beautiful and I have loved all the updates from Janie.

Wesley is a gorgeous newborn and so healthy too boot.