Monday, March 14, 2011

Yosemite Weekend

We just got back from Yosemite yesterday (once again I had a continuing education class there for 3 days). It was beautiful (as always)... but this time it was a very different experience... now we have a baby! No more scaling up mountains or hiking at break-neck speeds. Now all trails we went on were stroller friendly (even though the one going to Mirror lake was REALLY icy).
We had a really nice time. It wasn't as snowy as last year... just slushy/icy all over. Mallory had a good time. She helped build her first snowman, then popped his head off. Way to go! Saturday she came down with a 101.2 fever and sounded like she had a 'smokers' cough. poor thing, but was happy through it all, just more needy. Matthew watched her in the mornings while I went off to my 4 hour long class, then the 3 of us would hang out for the rest of the day, hiking, napping, watching movies, and driving around the park.

Here's half dome (which is closed for the winter) with a layer of fog on it.

Here's half dome on a clear day.

And here it is being dwarfed by our giant baby!
We had a great time, but are happy to be home, away from the snow and sleeping in OUR wonderful bed!


  1. i love yosemite! so beautiful!
    the pic of mallory by half dome is funny!

  2. It looks so beautiful! I can't believe we've never been! Fevers...eek that still freaks me out. I'm sure one of these days I'll have to face it.

  3. Those pictures are just gorgeous! I am so jealous. It sounds like you had a wonderful time. How neat that your family can go with you. Mallory looks so cute in her snuggly warm clothes and adorable hats! I like your beanie too. If your mom made that, tell her I NEED one ;)

  4. What a great trip!! Looks a little chilly....
