This weekend our little munchkin grew up (a little). She is now mobile. She's not fast at crawling yet, but she is moving! It's pretty cute to watch her eyeball something that she wants then get herself onto all fours and slowly rock herself back and forth until she gets up enough momentum/courage to move her hands forward and drag/scoot her legs forward. She's still in the process of working the physics of crawling out, but she's getting there!
Not only did she become mobile, but she also has become a self-feeder. She has these cute little veggie-puff things (about the size/shape of cheerios) that she loves to eat but could never figure out how to get them in her mouth, so I would do it for her. Sunday night I was sitting on the floor with her and a handful of the veggie-puffs having a great time watching her reach down and attempt to scoop one up to eat it (it reminded me of "the claw" at the arcades.... you know the one where you have a giant bucket-like claw and you’re trying to get a toy.... and it's like how could you miss? right? there are so many toys and the claw is so big! But still, somehow, just about every stinkin' time, you miss!!!) Any way. It was just like that. Poor girl was getting frustrated and all her momma was doing was laughing. Then, all of a sudden it was as if a light switch got flipped and she looked at her thumb and pointer finger, and started to pinch them open and closed. Open and closed. She then saw her veggie-puff target, reached down pinched it in her little fingers and brought it right to her mouth! WooHoo! She was soooo happy! (But then again the girl was eating, so of corse she was happy). She preformed that same trick a few more times and was getting really excited, when she realized that if one is good, a handful MUST be better! So she grabbed a bunch of them and attempted to shove them all in her mouth. That didn't work nearly as well as the finger grabbing trick. Because now she was left with a handful of wet, sticky puffs that she couldn't get off her hand and into her mouth. She started to scream at those darn puffs and shake her hand to get them off. That didn’t really seem to help either… so finally I gave in and lent a hand. I placed the sticky puffs on the floor in front of her and told her that she had to pick them up one at a time. She looked at me, cocked her head to the side as if listening, then just to spite me(I’m sure) and prove that she could do it however she wanted, she looked back at the puffs on the floor, opened her mouth and just leaned over, put her face to the floor and ate a big mouthful! I was dying! It was so funny! I guess there’s more than one way to skin a cat, and she just had to prove it! She’s my daughter, that’s for sure!
What an exciting week for little Mallory and her adoring parents! Crawling and feeding herself! What a big girl you are becoming Mallory.
I loved the feeding herself story! It is such fun to watch our children gain some independence. I thought I would die laughing when you told the part of her going for the puffs with her mouth off the floor! :) So cute!
Love the picture at of her in this post too! What a beautiful setting with such an adorable girl! Those cheeks are too cute!
Wow, time goes by WAY too fast! I can't believe she's crawling! It's so fun watching Eli make all these changes, I can't believe someday (not too far from now) he'll be crawling, eating, etc! Nutty
So funny. I love the assertion of independence at such an early age :) Soon she too will be saying "I do it myself!"
This cracked me up. I loved the visual of her eating the puffs straight off the floor!!! That is awesome. She definitely has a mind of her own like her Mommy. I love it. I can't believe how quickly she is growing.
I loved your message on my phone today. You may not be here making me laugh but you did a good job over the phone. My dishes have never been cleaner in my head! :)
Love you.
lol! shes a klein!
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