Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Fun Afternoon Lunch

I just finished a really nice lunch! My dad came to Healdsburg during my lunch hour, so he, Tyler and I all went to El Farolito... mom picked up an extra shift so she couldn't be there (and was missed)!!!! But it was so nice to have lunch with Dad and Ty, I don't know if just the 3 of us have ever done that. It's really neat to watch Tyler grow into the man that he is. I really enjoy spending time with him... though we don't do enough of that either. Right now he has this really subtle mo-hock hair style. Nothing obnoxious, just fun. Boys are very lucky in the fact that they can practically change their hair style on a daily basis, and if they don't like it, they can just shave it off! I think that people would think I went nuts if I shaved off my hair. After lunch we walked over to Powel’s and got a few sweets then went to the flying goat for coffee. It was such a nice afternoon... especially considering that I only have 3 appointments for the rest of the day.... Boring!


  1. I love that!!! What special times!! So glad you had fun.

  2. That sounds so nice. I wish I could do that. You could shave you head and I would just think that you love Shanado Conner and Britany Spears :) I hope we can go to lunch when I come!!
