Friday, February 27, 2015

Mom Guilt #2

Well, despite the removal of the moldy pillows, Mallory has continued you cough...Sad. And though I was annoyed by it, the guilt that I felt for letting her pillows grow mold kept me calm and compassionate. So last night I brought my stethoscope home and took a listen to her little chest. Her right side sounded clear but her left lung field was full of crackles all throughout it. I immediately got online and booked her a doctors appointment for the next morning (which my wonderful mom had to take her to, since I of course had to work).  Any way, after the doctor listened to her lungs she ordered a radiograph and poor Mallory Rose was diagnosed with pneumonia.
She is now on a course of antibiotics. Sigh. Hoping that she will be feeling better and be cough free in a few days!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Mom Guilt

I'm not sure if ANYTHING is as strong as mom guilt. You know the guilt trip that we lay on ourselves. When everyone else has long forgotten, we beat ourselves up over it....again....and again...and again!
So I know that SOME of this is just mom guilt... but on the other hand, I might just be a horrible mother.
Here's the back story. I hate coughing. It's like nails on a chalk board to me. I know that everyone has to cough but I HATE that continuous, forced, non-productive cough. For the past week and a half that's what Mallory has been doing. I was sympathetic for a day (or two)... then she started it up at night and Matthew and I were getting up with her 3 time a night to give her water, honey, cough meds, or just try to calm her down because she was FREAKING out. Needless to say my patents was wearing thin. I was tired and man was I sick of that 'fake' sounding cough.
So that's what Matthew and I figured it was. Fake. So we just kept telling her to stop coughing. Stop faking it. Stop forcing it. STOP! I started really feeling like I was losing it when she started 'fake' coughing so hard that she vomited...twice.
See! Doesn't this sounds soooooo bad. Bot honestly, she  wasn't always coughing. It was random. She was acting fine, no fever, good appetite, just a stupid cough...and now coughing induced vomiting.
It was driving me bonkers! I even had a talk with her about if she couldn't settle down and stop these freak-out coughing attacks I would start taking something from her (a toy or something like that). She IMMEDIATLY stopped coughing (so I was sure that it was fake and that she was doing it all for attention). But the coughing picked up again. This time only at night/bedtime/wakeup time.
Now is when the bad mom part comes in...
Last night Matthew and I were downstairs (kids already asleep in bed) when I heard Mallory yell out for me. "Mommaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" I ran up the stairs and opened her bedroom door. There is my sweet little girl squatting in her bed, hands cupped in front of her and overflowing with vomit. Through her tears she said "Momma, I tried to stop coughing. I really did!" Poor girl!!!! I started cleaning her up while Matthew got a bath going. As I was stripping her bedding I found a pillow of hers (one that my mom made when I was pregnant with her). It was really damp and COVERED with a layer of mold!!!!!! YES!!!! MOLD!!!!! In her bed. Right next o her face. Her sweet little nose and tender lungs getting filled with mold spores with every sleepy breath. There were also about 100 small little mold colonies on her regular pillow too (under the pillow case). I promptly threw both of those away and soaked her bedding, blankets and stuffed animals in hot water and bleach.
24 hours later the coughing has all but stopped! Praise God! And she's running around like nothing ever happened. But I feel so bad! How could I have not checked her bed? How could I have let her sleep in that? How could have been mad at her for MOLD?!?!?!?! Darn me! Darn Mom guilt!

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Wesley has a wart on his finger. A little one that the doctor said we should just apply a little 'wart remover' to every night. So we do. Every night. It's the slow way to remove a wart...apparently less traumatic then freezing it off. Any way. We've been doing this for 6 months now and it has waxed and waned in size. Last night though I noticed it had a hard tan/brown cover on it, tonight that little cover was gone. ..and the wart was pink and considerably smaller in size and height.
'Wesley! Your wart is almost gone!' I said to him as I was applying the wart-be-gone liquid.
Wes looked up at me and with a look of pride said 'Yeah. Me ate me wart.' And walked away.
I guess that's one way to get ride of it! Gag!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Wesley's Three!

Holy cow! Wesley is THREE! I can't believe how time has flown by! Moments ago it felt like I was rocking him to sleep, now he's running around the house reeking havoc on everyone and everything in his path. There is a reason that his nickname is Dump-trunk!
Wesley is a blessing... a high-energy, constant motion, stubborn, tender, loud, funny, sweet blessing. He keeps us on our toes! He is in the stage of ignoring what we say or pretending not to hear us when we tell him what to do. It's frustrating, (but normal for his age). Sigh. He is also so sweet. He loves playing with his sister (and has finally learned to stand up for himself... and BOY oh BOY has he figured out how to push her buttons)! He LOVES his little brother. I feel like I'm always either saying 'ahhhhhhhhh how sweet, Wesley's hugging Darren' or  yelling 'WESLEY! stop hugging Darren you're chocking him!!!!!' He makes us laugh and pull or hair out all at once! He is 98% potty trained which is SOOOOOO lovely! And man, can that boy melt his mommas heart with those baby-blues!
I love you my sweet, wonderful, crazy little man!!!!!!

Wesley's Lego party