Sunday, October 26, 2014

A Dream Vacation

We just got back from a wonderful almost dream-like family vacation! It was amazing! Friday night after I got off work we loaded up the kids and headed down to Poway, which is a 9 hour drive, so we figured that driving through the night with 3 kids would be easier. (I did learn a few things about traveling with kids though... NEVER switch cars seat for your baby right before you leave for a long car trip; not only will you have a crying baby, but your car doors may not close without some major finagling. Oh, and Norah Jones can sooth said crying baby EVERY time)! Poor Darren had long since outgrown his carrier-type car seat and we just had not gotten around to switching it to his rear-facing big-boy seat... until that night. Ooops.
Any way, we got in safe and sound early Saturday morning and spent Saturday through Tuesday at my aunt and uncles ranch. We rode horse, went to the farmers market, played in the ocean, sat in the spa, watched movies, slept, talked, ate, visited with family, rode more horses, had a few riding lessons and had a all-around wonderful time! Now thanks to my Aunt Alicia both Mallory and I have a BAD case of horse fever!

Tuesday morning we loaded up the kids again made a quick stop at my Aunty-M's new home and then drove to Palm Desert where we met up with Joyce and Johnny-boy at their timeshare. It was a beautiful condo/resort, with a huge multi-room condo to stay in, multiple pools, a water-slide, movie theater, activity center and golf coarse! One day we all visited the Living Desert, another day Matthew and John played 13-holes of golf but we spend every day in the pool. And Mallory in now officially able to swim on her own!!!!! The kids had a blast and Matthew and I even got to head into Palm Springs for a date! I wish that we could have found a way to extend it all! It was heaven! Thank you all who made this trip such a ragging success!


Friday, October 3, 2014


Last night while trying to do way to much all at the same time (kids into bath, teeth brushed, Wes into the potty, keep Darren from falling down the stairs...) you know, normal mom things. I baked my little toe into the bathroom door frame. The moment it happened I knew I broke it! Worth Matthews help I iced it, wrapped and elevated it and this morningi took a radiograph when I got into work. Yup. It's a fracture. Boooo. Mom convinced me to go to the doctors (I brought the radiograph with me). The doc confirmed the break and has me in a small walking boot. I'm bummed. Stupid foot. Stupid me!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Standing Tall

I can't believe it... just 11 days after learning to crawl Darren is working on his newest accomplishment STANDING! What a strong little stinker! This little man need to stop growing up so quickly and realize that his momma needs something that is stagnant in her life.
Sigh! But way to go buddy you are growing by leaps and bounds!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


O.k. let's all breath in a deep cleansing breath and praise God that Wesley's heart is just fine! Today Matthew and I took him to a cardiologist in s.f. They did an ekg and an echo and they informed us that he has what is called a 'Stills Murmur' (named agreed Dr. Stills). It is a innocent musical murmur that usually shows up around the ages of 2-7 and should cause no problem and should disappear by the time he is a young adult! 
Oh and for the record... there had never been a better boy! He lay there perfectly quiet and dogs everything they asked. Even the doctor commented over and over again on how good he was! Afterwards we took him or for ice cream to celebrate and spend a little personal time with him.
I can't even tell you how relieved I am!