Friday, August 29, 2014


Darren Matthew just cut his first tooth yesterday... Gosh this is happening WAY too quickly!!!!!! Sigh! He is such a happy man through it all. Thumb in his mouth and a little more drooling, but other than that handling it like a champ!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


A few weekends ago we all went camping. Our family of 5 and my mom, dad and Tyler all came. It was...interesting. Not really bad, but not really great either. I usually love camping. The crackly fire, the sound of the birds in the morning and the crickets at night. Sitting around the table playing games, telling stories, drinking hot chocolate. I love the dirt, the smoke, the smores. Sadly camping with a  4 year old, a 2 year old and a 5 month old at a KOA camp over a weekend is none of those things! Ok, it is the dirt and the smores...but that's about it. The kids are at an age where they ALL need so much attention so that the camping itself was not really that much fun...well not YET! The sleeping was horrid, the KOA camp was REALLY crowded, they played Finding Nemo on a huge outdoor screen right as we were trying to get our kids down, other peoples kids were up running around AND through our camp site until past 11 pm, the pool was the color of alge mixed with urine and there literally was a sign on the hot tub area saying that 'if you have had diarrhea in the past 14 days you were not allowed to enter' (obviously we did not use either of those). Any way. We made it through the weekend and it was a good/horrific/eye opening experience. I am sooooo thankful that mom, dad and Tyler were there to help with it/them all. I just had to keep reminding myself that it is only going to get better... it CAN only get better...heaven knows it cant get worse. :)
Here's to next year! Anyone want to come?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Construction Begins

Today our contractor Dave came out and stated construction on our home! We are just doing a little addition to the living room... nothing major, but it will make a MAJOR difference in our living space when its done! I'm really excited about. Not so excited about the loud noises that come with it... but it 'shouldn't' be a long project... in theory. :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Darren has become a lean-mean-eating-machine! After trying in-vain to keep Darren away from my diner plates and glasses I finally gave in and started feeding him. As with the other 2, I started him on Avocado. He wasn't sure about it for the first few bites... but moments later he was sucking it down!!!! Now he is a pro...a mess, food covered pro eater.
He has eaten avocado, beets, yams, carrots, banana and oatmeal. It's just about time to add in more fruit, which I'm sure he'll love!
This little boy is growing up WAY too quickly!