Monday, May 19, 2014

Back At Work

I started back at work yesterday! It felt great to be back doing what I love...but boy did I miss my kids!!!! Matthew brought them by to say hi and so I could nurse Darren instead of pumping (again). What a fun treat it was to see then all. Wesley wanted to show off his new big brother status by holding Darren. Everyone got a kick out of it...everyone but Darren!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

2 Months Old

This sweet little man is already 2 months old! I can hardly believe it! He had his 2 month dr visit today...this boy is growing like a weed. He is now 11 pounds 8 oz (27%), 24 inches long (88%), and his little peanut head is 14.5 inches (3%)! Thats right i said %3!!!!! Tiny!!!
He is such a sweet guy (as long as he is being held) loves to be held! He is pretty seriouse, but is starting to grace us with his sweet smiles daily. He has a quite little voice (now) when he coo's and is always wiggling  and moving. Oh and he LOVES being naked and hates being hot. He is wonderful is every way!!!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Catch Up

I have been so wrapped up in motherhood and house-buying paperwork/inspections (all of which are going well) that I haven't had a ton-o blogging time. So here are some photos to bring you all up to speed.

Darren's baby photo shoot: Love, Love, LOVE these pictures. If anyone needs a sweet, wonderful and very talented photographer give Michelle a call! AMAZING!!!!!

Easter: So much fun.
Cute Baby: As I was holding Darren and signing MORE house paperwork he found his thumb for the first time... looks like was may have another thumb sucker on our hands.

Mothers Day: Lovely day! Just about perfect. Great family time, beautiful new necklace (love it) and snake porn (that's right I said snake porn.... boom-chick-a-wooow-wooow!). Who could ask for more?!?!?!

Thursday, May 1, 2014


The night before last Mallory came shuffling into our room at 3 am, her blankets and stuffed animals trailing behind her. I was actually on my way to feed Darren, so we all-but collided with each other in the dark. I turned her around and took her back into her room to tuck her in. She told me that she couldn't sleep because the crickets were too loud. (Those darn country crickets!). Well I am happy to say that she wont have to worry about it for much longer because............................................................................................... wait for it.....
Our offer was excepted!!!!! We got the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!