Friday, February 28, 2014


Well, sorry about the TMI posting but tonight, after a very long/busy/stressful day at work I lost my mucus plug. Not that it means anything besides the fact that my body is getting ready to have a baby (duh)...but it is fun to realize how imminent it is! Looking back I lost Mallory's 2 weeks prior but I appenetly forgot to write it down with Wesley...bummer. Any way just thought I would record this one.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Prebaby Do

Each time that I've had a baby right afterwards I  have severely chopped off my hair and afterwards regreted it a little bit. This time I thought I would follow the example of Janie and do a prebaby hair cut/style...hopefully detouring me from shaving it all off in a hormonal craze. So far I'm loving the new do.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Awesomo 3000

The other day Mallory came walking out into the living room with a box on her head (she was 'hiding'). It only took moments before my dad had drawn a face on the box and Matthew started to call her "Awesomo 3000"! She had a blast walking around pretending to be a robot and I loved the fact that as a robot, she HAD to do what I said! :)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

35 Weeks ( and 33 and 34)

33Weeks: BK3 is about 17.2 inches long... and just so happens to be the exact length of this beautiful multicolored tower that Wesley built (and left on our bed).

34 Weeks: 17.7 inches long. Just about the same as the kids Seek and Spell toy.

35 Weeks: Our little baby is right around 18.2 inches now. No wonder I have to pee ever 10 minutes!

Things are going well... but I a really tired! Plus I got the kids little bug so I am feeling extra exhausted! (I actually have napped twice already today)!!!!! I am starting to feel a good deal of pressure on my undercarriage now, and my walk is turning more and more into a waddle by the day! Contractions are occurring multiple times a day though nothing painful or prolonged... just preparatory I'm sure. But I'm betting that this little one is not going to make it much past 37 weeks... everything just feels so ready.
This baby is so strong and active. It lives under my right rib cage and has taken on a new pastime... it feels like a combo of Zumba and Cardio-kickboxing. unfortunately the 'class' takes place from 2-2:30 AM every morning! Crazy kid!
Yesterday as Matthew and I were sighing with exhaustion at our other two little ones and I was wincing at the rib kick that BK3 took, Matthew asked me a frightening question. He asked which baby has been the most active (in utero)?... That was a easy and unfortunately frightening question... THIS one!!!! I'm not sure we'll be able to handle another high energy/super charged Klein kid. Someone pass me the Zanax! ;)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Wesley Turns 2!

On February 13 our Little Man turned 2! I can’t believe it! It seems too short a time for someone so wonderful to have blessed our lives so deeply! He is a joy and a constant sores of amusement to everyone he is around. He is kind and thoughtful and wild and out of control all at once. He FINALLY is starting to talk in more than single words or grunts… though still most of the time I have no idea what he’s saying. But his voice is tender and scratchy, and I love how it sounds and the sweet little way he cocks his head to the side like a little bird when he asks a question.
On his actual birthday I sadly had an emergency 3 ½ hour surgery that didn’t end until WELL past bed time. I felt horrible. Like the worst mom ever. I have to admit I was actually in tears over it (even though I know he won’t remember me not being there… I will). My sweet husband surprised me and brought the kids over (and dinner) and all three of them stood outside the operating window watching, waving and smiling as I, once again tried not to cry.
We ended up celebrating his birthday the next day on Friday (valentine’s day), which worked out beautifully. Wesley didn’t know the difference and loved the ice cream cone that he got. Matthew and I ended up getting him a small little 4-wheeler (that goes all of 2 miles per hour) and he LOVES it! Though he hasn’t figured out how to steer yet. Hopefully that will come in the next 14 years or we are all in trouble.
Sunday was his birthday party, it was a Race Car theme and he was in heaven! There was a huge turn out! I was shocked at the number of adult friends/family that actually wanted to be there. Thankfully I had made a pretty big cake and had plenty of snacks. It was a beautiful day and the entire party was held outside (which I was not counting on but VERY grateful for).  He got a ton of cars, trucks and tractors (though his favorite for the moment is the garbage truck from Papa Klein).
We love you Wesley Robert, happy birthday!

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Hey, it might not be the most nutritious breakfast... but at least he's using a fork. Right?!?!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

32 weeks and then some

Week 31: 16.2 inches… proved to the THE most difficult to find. Finally I had to improvise and combo two of Mallory’s old puzzles. But the good news it is that it’s the EXACT length (I know you were all worried).

Week 32: 16.7 inches, the size of the baby dolls highchair.
I can’t believe that this little one is going to be here so quickly. At my doctor’s appointment Monday everything was spot on. Measuring great, my weight is right on average for me (33 pounds) but the one little ‘hitch’ was the babies heart rate… not that there was ANYTHING at all wrong with it… it just has thrown me for a loop. It has been in the mid 140’s (as was Mallory) but has now dropped to high 120’s/low 130’s… which is even lower then Wesley (an no, he/she wasn't asleep). So is it a boy?!?!? I had myself all convinced that I was growing another little girl ever since I found out I was preggers… now I’m having a hard time re-adjusting to the thought of a boy. I guess in 5-7 weeks we'll all find out!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Good Bye Home... Hello Adventure!

It's official. We are all moved out of one house and moved into my parents! The kids had fun "House Camping" on our final night (since practically everything was cleared from the house at that point. The final papers should be signed today and the keys handed over tomorrow night. Jeff, Lindsay, Matthew and I are all going to go out to dinner to celebrate! Should be fun... and maybe a little sad! I am personally looking forward to a much less crazy month (and getting these contractions to mellow out... I've probably been over-doing it again). Shocker!

Thanks for being such a great home!