Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Up until a few days ago I had never really been to Vegas (I guess I was there when I was a little kid... but I don't remember... so it practically doesn't count). I went there this past weekend with Matthew and my boss. My boss and I had a 2 day C.E. course on advanced tooth extractions/oral surgery. It was AMAZING!!!!! Matthew came because it just so happened to be the worlds Rugby 7's tournament... which he was watching not playing in. We stayed with my bosses friend Renee, who is an amazing lady and spoiled us silly the entire weekend. We really did have a great weekend and learned a ton! Though we were in Vegas we didn't see the strip, any shows or go into any casino... we didn't even have to go out to eat. So I'm not sure if this trip even counts as the 'traditional' Vegas experience. The kids stayed with my parents... which worked out well since we are moving in there TOMORROW!!!!!
Yes you read that right. TOMORROW!!!!!! We are about 85% packed up and will be totally out by Saturday! I can't believe that this is happening. That it is SO real! There is still nothing on the market that we are interested in bidding  on, but I have to have faith that this is the right move and something wonderful will come from this entire crazy process.
It might be a little while until I post again as we get unpacked and all settled in. Plus I need to search mom and dads house for toys that are as big as this GIANT baby I'm growing (since most of our are all packed up now).

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

30 weeks

BK3 is growing like a weed, and pretty sure she/he is already practicing to be a member of the Rockettes! Seriously from 3-4  am every morning there is a full-out dance party going on inside my uterus! I can't believe that I am 3/4 of the way there! That means if treads continue (as they did with Mallory and Wesley) I'll be early... which means possibly in 7-8 weeks I'll have this sweet little baby in my arms and finally know what and who 'it' is!!!!
Week 28: 15 inches and 2 pounds...just about the size of the adorable Owl that my mom knit for Wesley before he was born.

   Week 29: 15.5 inches and 2 1/2 pounds makes him/her the size of Tickle Me Elmo... better known  
    as 'Big Elmo' around this house.
    Week 30: 16 inches and about 3 (+) pounds so roughly the size of one of Wesley's trucks...  if the
     top/lid is open. (Its getting hard to find toys that are big enough).  

Saturday, January 18, 2014


2 weeks ago Matthew, mom, dad and I flew off to Mexico for a wonderful (kid-free) week long vacation in Mazatlan! I actually didn't bring my camera (figured that mom had that covered for us all), so I don't have the pictures to prove what a beautiful and amazing time we had. But it was wonderful! Despite the fact that my life right now is in utter disarray I was thankful for the forced relaxation time. (Good thing this trip was set up 4 months prior)!  We stayed in an all-inclusive resort RIGHT on the beach (it looked really snazzy... but turns out was pretty run-down... heck it's Mexico, what did we expect?) Our first room (on the 15th floor) had a water leak that happened on day 2, our second room (on the 19th floor) the toilet literally fell apart as my pregnant unbalanced self went to sit on it, and our final room (on the 26th floor) was large and beautiful with multiple rooms... but by the end of the week the odor coming from all the drains smelled as though the sewer was backed up all the way up to the 25 1/2 floor and getting ready to spill into our 'home' at any minute! Aside from the room-issues, the rest of the trip was pretty uneventful... in a fantastic sort of way!
We did a ton of laying by the pool, swimming, reading, walking on the beach, sun-set watching, eating and drinking (my drink of choice was the virgin Pinna colada). Yummmm!
My saint of a mother-in-law and John watched Mallory and Wesley the entire 7 days (and were alive to tell about it)! Poor Wesley ended up at the doctors twice and the E.R once before finally being diagnosed with Bronchitis. (I was just happy to hear that it wasn't the H1N1 virus that spread like wildfire while we were tanning by the pool). But he's doing well now... after having to use 2 different inhalers, antibiotics and steroids. I'm secretly glad I didn't have to deal with him during that time... sick kids make me sad.
The other thing that was great about the trip was that it gave the 4 of us time to be roommates and see how this upcoming move will go. We all go along great, and were able to address issues right away or before they even started. Seems like this should be a smooth transition into their home in a mere matter of days!!!!!  :)