Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas was a bit of a blur this year. I feel like it snuck up on me and I was actually still shopping a few days before (normally I am finished shopping by November). But I’ve had a bit on my mind, and a ton of things to do.
In case you couldn’t figure it out, we did not get the house, but are still going through with the sale of our house to my brother. So literally in a mere matter of weeks we will be out of this home and into mom and dads. Gulp! So instead of shopping and wrapping gifts, we have been house hunting, and packing up our house and moving it into storage. It’s all going well though.
So Christmas was unfortunately a lower priority than normal. Things still got done. People still got gifts… they were just a little more generic (aka Gift Cards). The kids loved it all though. We started the morning at our house and then headed over to my parents until naptime. Back home for naps, then off to Joyce and Johns for the afternoon/dinner. It was a very family oriented day. It was lovely, just not very relaxing since we were going all over the place. Friday we went to Roberts for dinner and more gift-giving. Now we are just settling back into ‘normality’ and trying to wade through all the gifts, toys, boxes, and bubble wrap that is now our home.
Oh, and if you look at the top right picture of Mallory in the green mask... that's a mask/hat that mom knit her for her alter-ego-superhero that she created (and named): Superhero Leaf-Girl (she then added onto it... Superhero leaf-girl-peter pan-mike the knight). I love it! I especially love that there is absolutely NO reference to anything princess-y! Way to go Mallory!
We have totally been slackers in the baby-toy-comparison department.
Week 25: 13.5 inches the size of a butterfly art project Mallory did
Week 26: 14 inches, The size of the Little Peoples playground structure
Week 27: 14.5 inches the exact size of Mallory's "Baby Anna" (its' kind of creepy looking at the doll and realizing that my baby inside looks fairly similar)

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Little Scare

I had a very eventful day today. It started out fairly normal, I didn't have to work so the kids and I were running around doing Christmas errands and then we met matthew out at the mall so the kids could sit on Santas lap. Around 11:30 I took Mallory to the bathroom and I realize that I was having dome bleeding. I called my mom right away to talk with her. At first it was just a brownish discharge and soon progressed to is light red-red color. Mom immediately came over to watch the kids and I went into the hospital. Thankfully after having a full exam, an ultrasound and being monitored for 3 hours I was released. The only real abnormality was that BK3 is sitting head down directly on my cervix with no fluid cushion at all...which I guess overtime they worry about that causing my cervix to dialate (which it is not at this point)! We are all still unsure why I started bleeding but they think a big part of it has to do with all of my activity, stress and work. That being said I am going to try really hard to take it easy and not overdo it. Which is going to be difficult considering I love to work, I love to play, I'm packing an entire house, Christmas is one week away, and I'm pregnant. But like my mom said the most important job for me right now is to grow this baby so I have to remember that... despite my obsessive needs to be superwoman! :)

Monday, December 16, 2013

Past Weeks Update

Our life is steadily marching onward… still no concrete news on the house (should have a REAL answer by tomorrow). Regardless the packing is well underway! The new baby’s room has become the box-storing room and most of the paperwork for selling this house is complete!

Last Monday was my 33 birthday! It was a wonderful day. Just what I wanted… mellow, low key and productive! Mom came over and helped me start on the packing then dad brought over Chinese food for lunch. Matthew and I were given tickets to the symphony from my bosses so we went out to eat and enjoyed the beautiful child-free music! Best gift of all was that the kids were AMAZING! I mean very, very, very little whining, crying or fighting! (I wish that would have lasted longer then one day).  Today is actually our 7 year anniversary…no such luck on the kids being super good today (they are already little monsters).
This past week has been tough… Wesley came down with Croup and had to be put on steroids for the swelling/breathing issues. Mallory got the winter bug and has been coughing up a storm… so I guess it makes sense that they aren’t exactly the happiest of campers.  But they are getting better, and Matthew and I even took Mallory to her first Movie theater experience yesterday (while Joyce watched Wesley). We saw Frozen! She loved it, I loved it and Matthew loved the fact that we loved it. It was fun! She even woke up talking about it this morning.
Oh, we got our Christmas tree. That was another fun adventure. After getting it all decorated we had to removed about ever ornaments within Wesley’s reach because he wouldn’t stop playing with them. So now the bottom 1/3 is pretty bare. Now Wesley just walks around the tree with his fake saw (which I think is pretty clever considering it was a pre-cut tree).
The baby is getting bigger and bigger. 25 weeks along! I don’t have a 25 week toy picture yet… but here are the other weeks
23: 12 inches, the exact size of Dog-Dog (Wesley’s stuffed dog he sleeps with)

24: 12.5 inches… the size of one of Wesley’s semi-truck toys

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Leap Of Faith

I have so much that I want to write about… getting a tree, birthday, life… but I want to fist talk about the latest/ more nerve-wracking, exciting changes that are happening in my family’s life.  

About 11 days ago I met my dad for Sunday morning coffee (a tradition that we have on the Sundays that I have to work). It’s a nice little 45 minutes to just sit, talk and enjoy each other. He mentioned that he thinks it’s important that even though we aren’t in the market to buy a new house that I keep my feelers out there. And that was pretty much the end of the conversation. Later that day I had a slow moment at work (something that rarely happens) so I looked to see what houses were out there for sale in the area that we would like to live. And low and behold there was a home that looked great! A little over our budget… but just by a titch. It was a 4 bedroom 3 bath tri-level on 1/3 of an acre and double the size of our current home!

We thought that it would be worth a ‘look’. So a few days later we went to see it. It was one of those surreal moments where you walk in and it just feels ‘right’. The house needed a fare amount of work (inside/out and in the yard)… but the ‘bones’ of what we would want/want were all there. The next day we brought a ton of the family with us to see it. They all loved it too and my parents offered to help us with the monetary boost that we would need for 20% down. So, we decided that we would make an offer. Unfortunately that offer HAD to be contingent on us selling our house in 17 days. GLUP! Unfortunately there was an open house already scheduled for that coming Sunday. I had to work, so Matthew brought the kids and his dad by to introduce himself to the realtor (to make it more personal and all).

Well, just about that time I mentioned to Jeff and Lindsay (who have been looking for a house to buy) that we were going to be selling our house so that we could buy this new house (totally confident that we would get it). They came through and looked at our house with that BUYERS eye and decided that THEY would like to buy it… as long as we got this other house of course.  SWEET! We revised our offer that day to make it NON-contingent on the sale of our house… now we should be a shoe-in!

 Well multiple offers came in… and we got 2nd place! Boo! I was so sad. Despite the fact we were told that about 1/3 of 1st offers fall through… it meant we still lost. I felt like I was in mourning. Even though the house was never our, I had pictured us there. I had seen Mallory as a teenager with her buddies hanging out in the back yard. It just felt so ‘right.’ But apparently it wasn’t meant to be. So I grieved for that day and went to bed with tears in my eyes.

The very next morning the first thought into my head in a voice loud as thunder was ‘It wasn’t all about ME.’

WHAT???? How and when is MY life not all about me? And then it dawned on me, maybe it wasn’t about me getting that house, but about Jeff and Lindsay getting THIS house. Because never would we have considered selling if there wasn’t the REAL and tangible home for us to buy. But after that realization I felt great! Actually happy! Now I just had to convince Matthew that we should still sell to them. Just the thought of broaching the subject actually made me a little nervous.  I called him as soon as I dropped the kids off as I was heading into work. I started the conversation with; “Now hear me out…” (probably words that no spouse ever wants to hear). But after I gave him my selling pitch, he kind of chuckled and said that he woke up thinking the same thing! WHAT!?!?! Turns out so did BOTH my parents!!!!!! Ok we couldn’t ignore such a blindingly obvious message from God!

So I talked with Lindsay and she was thrilled and said that they would love to still buy it and even let us rent it back from them until we found ‘our’ home. Sweet! Later that day both mom and dad had the same thought of extending the offer to let us (all 4 ½ of us) come move in with them… rent free, until we found our new home and that way Jeff and Lindsay and Connor could move in ASAP. My initial thought was ‘gee, thanks for the offer, but I’m an adult…I’ve got a family, a job… heck I’m a doctor… why should I move in with my parents’. But then Matthew (of all people) brought it up and was actually encouraging of the idea. Save money. Help Jeff and Lindsay move in faster. Live-in-kids-help. Rent free. TEMPORARY!

SIGH!!!!!  Don’t get me wrong I LOVE my parents! I have been blessed! They are wonderful, helpful, caring and we have an amazing relationship. I guess I was a little afraid to ruin it! You know how it goes when you live with someone… things are always strained. But we met with mom and dad, talked out our worriers, concerns, expectations and we are going for it!

Yep. We are moving!!!!! We are still on the lookout for ‘our’ house (or there’s the chance that the 1st offer could fall through)… but either way we are moving… in like 6 weeks! I get all excited and sick when I think about it! I LOVE this home! It was our first! We literally grew our family here (I’m actually starting to cry now… lets blame it on the pregnancy hormones). We have poured so much love into these walls… this yard… that it’ll be really hard not to be here…especially when I don’t have any clue where my family is going to be! But the joy I have when I think about Jeff and his beautiful family here is undeniable! So I know its right! It feeling like I’m not truly losing it… I can visit and help pick peaches and cherries and enjoy the home as it morphs into THEIR home!

So… The packing process has begun! Nothing like being 6 months pregnant, working full time, parenting, wife-ing (is that a thing?), packing and having NO idea what is next! But I guess that is the epitome of FAITH!!!!! So I have been essentially, constantly giving this entire situation over to God, knowing that I obviously have no control… and trusting that He does!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

For your Feet

If you remember from a few posts ago, the kids had been loving playing barber/hair cutters. They now both walk around with toy saws cutting each other’s hair at the same time (it’s like dueling stylists). The other day as they were dueling it out, Mallory grabbed both the saws and shoved them blade side down into the edge of the coffee table so that just the handles were stick up. She then said, “Wesley now you lay down, those are for your feet.”
If you aren’t roaring with laughter, you obviously haven’t been to a gynecological/pregnancy appointment in a long time… I’ll give you a moment to let your imagination run wild............................................................................................................................................

I think we have a future OB doctor or midwife on our hands!

Monday, November 25, 2013


Last week we combined Wesley and Mallory into the same room. We wanted to do it early before BK3 came for a few reasons, 1) they could get used to it, 2) I could still help with the move before I got TOO big. Any way, the move itself went great, I love the way the room looks, the curtains that I made turned out perfect, the kids are having a blast together... the down side? They have woke each other up at 5:30/6 am for the past week!!!!! Booooooo! They used to sleep until 7:30! It's killing me! Any tips...aside from putting them back into separate rooms?


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

3 Week Recap

There has been a little more than the usual/typical/expected busyness happening here in the Klein household lately. That’s my excuse for being a few weeks behind on the posts. So here’s a recap:
Halloween: Mallory and Wesley went as a Chocolate Chip cookie and ‘Cookie Mouse’ (the mouse from If You Give a Mouse a Cookie). I made Malloy’s costume and my mom made Wesley’s mouse hood. I have to say I thought that it was a very cute and unique idea! Cousin Connor was an adorable monster. We all (the three kids, followed by 4 parents and 4 grandparents) went trick-or-treating around our neighborhood (though it seemed like no one was home… or just pretending not to be home)…  The kids had fun and got a TON of candy.
Sonny: The next day I took Sonny into work and had our orthopedic surgeon remove one of Sonny’s toes. Because about a week prior I had found a strange mass on his toe that he was licking. It turns out that Sonny has Squamous Cell Carcinoma. I took radiographs of his chest and abdomen and I didn’t see anywhere that the cancer had metastasized to… so fingers crossed we got it all and got it off early. He has spent the past 2 weeks in an e-collar driving us all BONKERS! The kids have been wonderful with him, helping me with each bandage change, stump cleaning and suture removal. He’s pretty much all healed and the collar came off 2 days ago.
Ultrasound: 2 Weeks ago I had my big ultrasound. Everything looks good. BK3 (Baby Klein 3… as Michelle Shira coined for us) was being a typical Klein baby… already hating pictures and being uncooperative. This was the best profile picture that the ultrasound tech could get. But the rest of the images looked good… hands, arms, feet, booty… SHE and SHE alone knows what sex BK3 is. She was really good about having us look away a ton as she got different measurements and whatnot. Mallory is REALLY excited about the new baby and kisses, loves on and talks to my tummy all the time.
Vacation: Through all this craziness Matthew and I were able to take a little 2 night vacation just the 2 of us! The original plan was to go to Monterey and stay in a cute B&B. But the week prior when I called to confirm our reservations I found out that they had just closed 5 days ago! (If I hadn’t of called we would have just showed up to an empty B&B!) Luckily I found a great deal of Groupon for a B&B in Calistoga! Soooooooooooo much closer, yet felt worlds away! We had a great time; we took advantage of the massages/baths that are offered throughout Calistoga, took lots of naps and ate a ton of delicious, quiet, kid free meals!!!!! A special THANK YOU to Joyce and John for watching the kids for us!
Lastly…here are the past few weeks of baby size pictures:
Week 18: 5.8 inches… Head to booty is about the size of one of Wesley’s toy cars.
Week 19: 6 inches…The same size as the toy fire truck from one of the Cars movies.
Week 20: 6.5 inches…the same size as Mr. (or Mrs.) Potato Head.
Week 21:  10.5 inches (now we measure from head to toe…) so turns out that I’m caring around Dora the Explorer.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Hair cut

Yesterday we gave Mallory her very own pair of kid scissors… and she has been having a field day cutting up papers during arts and crafts time. They have a special home and she knows NOT to touch them without permission and supervision.
This morning I was doing a little ‘fall-cleaning’ and was finishing up vacuuming at the other end of the house, when I heard Mallory yell “Mom, I gave Wesley a hair cut!!!!.” I RAN down that hallway sooooooo fast! I was completely terrified at what I was going see.
Thankfully they were just playing ‘pretends’ and she was actually ‘cutting’ his hair with a fake saw (so it looked more like she was doing a craniotomy then giving a hair cut…)! I was so relieved. Not like it would have been the end of the world, since I could just shave his head again. But ALL those blond curls are really growing on me!

Friday, October 25, 2013


Little #3 started to wiggle around  last week (well actually I was finally able to feel it wiggle last week). I love that feeling. Its like daily/hourly conformation that the baby is doing well. I start to feel less 'fat' and more pregnant when the baby starts moving... like it's a reward for the 11 pounds I have gained already! It makes it worth it, being reminded that there's a reason for that weight. Starting yesterday the movements went from flutters to more forceful or purposeful pushing-type movements. Love it! (not really looking forward to the karate kidney kicks or the bladder head-butting... but I guess I don't get to pick and chose the movements.)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Attack Babies

This morning Mallory came walking out of my closet with this 'great' belt ensemble!

Me: What are you wearing? (laughing a little)
Mallory: This is to keep me from being attacked by the babies. (straight faced).
Me: What?
Mallory: To keep me from being attacked by the babies.
Me: What do the babies do when they attack you?
Mallory: They teeth on me.
Me...dying of laughter.
Apparently there are some fears that we need to address before March!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Happy Fall

Life has been good and as busy as ever. Enjoying the BEAUTIFUL weather and trying to get outside to exercise.  I am 17 weeks this weekend and I am at the point where I can’t really comfortably wear my ‘normal’ clothes and the maternity clothes are still just a little too big… but I guess better big then small. So today was the first day I wore a FULL maternity outfit. Matthew thought I looked cute, I thought I looked dumpy… sigh…such-is-life.
Here are the past few weeks ‘baby size’ pictures.
Week 15: 4 ½ inches the size of the little peoples tricycle.
Week 16: 4 ¾ inch's long, just about the size of Mallory's doctor syringe which apparently cures all sorts of ailments (I should bring it to work with me!)
Week 17: 5 inches from head to booty… so about the size of all the balls in our house.
Today has been a great day. First of all it is my first FULL weekend off in a very, very, very long time! So that alone is fantastic. But we got to do fun family things today… grocery shopping (surprisingly fun when it means that I’m spending time with Matthew and the kids), then Mallory’s pre-school had a Fall Festival (my parents came to that). It was cute. Then while the kids nap at the grandparents house, Matthew and I met up with Jeff and Lindsay to enjoy the Grand Opening of our wine club winery in Healdsburg (I even took a few sips… I couldn’t resist… I LOVE this wine)!  Then we grabbed the kids and all headed to the pumpkin patch for more fall fun! I can’t believe all that we were able to do in just one day! It’s great to have a weekend off!
Happy Fall!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

1st School Picture

A few weeks ago Mallory had her very first school pictures taken… and I am shocked to say that they turned out really cute! Especially considering that we all KNOW how much she hates having her picture taken and the thought of smiling on queue is like torture. But these are cute. Our at home ‘practice’ smiling shots… not so much… but funny!
As for baby news, sorry I have yet to find/measure a toy for 15 weeks… I will, some time. But prior to a few nights ago I would have practically bet the baby that it was going to be a little girl. Based on how I wide in the booty/hips/waist I am, zero morning sickness, not wanting sugar (but loving carbs). All signs felt like another ‘Mallory’. But the other night I had a dream that it was a little boy. And as of now I’m 2 for 2 on dreaming the correct sex of the baby. So now I’m just confused.

Monday, September 30, 2013

The 14 Week Circus

At 14 weeks I finally had my first real appointment with my midwife. I have a midwife that I love (though there are many wonderful ladies that my mom works with)… but this one was the one that delivered Wesley and was so great then and all through his entire pregnancy that I wanted her again. This meant that we had to shuffle around the normal appointment schedule a little so that I could see her. But it all worked out!
So the FOUR of us loaded up and went to the appointment today. Thank goodness she herself has kids, because it was like a mini circus in that exam room. Balloon gloves to distract the kids, little fingers touching this and that, Mallory constantly trying to get the midwife to pay more attention to her and less to me, measuring tapes that were used for everything but my belly… and all the while I, in a paper gown. The two most memorable bits were Mallory getting to hold the Doppler and ‘finding’ the baby’s heartbeat. She was so proud. She kept telling me ‘Momma, I did that.’ Like she was THE only reason it was there and beating. (It’s little heart rate was Between 158-162 by the way). The second ‘great’ part of this appointment was when the midwife asked if I wanted them all to leave during the “full” exam… I told her I didn’t care and it was fine for them to stay. So there I lay, legs in stirrups, with the paper cover over my knees as a drape and Mallory sitting up on the table with me. Just as the midwife was starting ‘the full’ exam, Wesley walked around to her side of the drape, head coked to one side and is just staring all wide-eyed up at what she was doing, while simultaneously Mallory wanted to know what’s going on so she leaned on and then fell through/over that paper knee drape, practically into the midwifes lap!  
I think that we’ll leave them home next time.
14 weeks our #3 should be close to 4 inches… which is exactly the size of Mallory’s Go Fish cards (which she would gladly play with any of you…and by that I truly mean she will tell YOU how to play…at the drop of a hat).

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

"Fun" With Crayons

Over the past 2 days we have been having some serious “fun” with crayons! I have no idea what has gotten into these kids… but apparently they suddenly need constant supervision (What? Don’t pretend like all parents don’t leave their 3 and 1 ½ year old unattended in their rooms for short periods of time.)
Any way… The other day while I was getting ready for work Mallory came into my bedroom crying. I looked down and saw that blood and dark ‘flecks’ were draining from her nose.  I put her into the bathroom and told her to stay there (while I took a few pictures). Then in the course of cleaning up her bloody face I noticed that the right nostril was bulging ever so slightly… I had her blow her nose and out shot a ½ inch piece of dark blue crayon! I still have no idea why she put it up there.
Then last night while Matthew and I were cooking dinner, the kids where happily playing together in Mallory’s room.  Then Mallory came out and said “Wesley and I want a little alone time in my room, so don’t go in there.” RED FLAG! Matthew went down there, and quickly came back saying “well, we were wondering when we would have to deal with this… apparently all it took was Wesley.” Wesley (a.k.a The Adorable Trouble Maker) thought that coloring on paper was stifling his creativity… the wall, white board, dresser and coat rack were much more appropriate places to color! Arrrrrgggggg! Mallory, who is typically such a great rule-follower/tattle-tail actually followed suit and joined in. Double Arrrrggggggg! But thanks to a quick Google search, we learned that a damp rag dipped in Baking Soda cleans up crayon beautifully and really easily! Who knew! Thanks Google!!!
Hopefully we are done with the crayon adventures for a while!
Oh and Baby #3 is 13 ½ weeks old and 3 inches head to booty… about the size of this strange block-like construction man.  

Monday, September 23, 2013

Thoughts From a Three Year Old

Mallory has been saying some darn cute things lately… thought I should write them down before I forget them (pregnancy brain and all).

1)      I walked in on her the other day drawing a TON of circles on her paper. I said to her “great job Mallory Rose, look at all those circles!” She turned from her obsessive circle drawing, looked at me with a giant grin on her face and said “Momma, those aren’t circle, those are eggs and I’m going to tell Daddy to put them in your tummy so we can have LOTS of babies!” (Maybe I should stop talking about anatomy with my 3 year old).

2)      The night before lest we were reading a story about a duck that was looking for a safe place to lay her eggs. There was a picture of her flying and Mallory asked “But momma, where are her eggs.” I told her that they were inside her waiting to be laid. To which she put her hand on my tummy and said “Like the tiny baby in your tummy is waiting to be laid?”

3)      There is (still) a ton of construction going on on the highway, including new signs that have been put up but covered with plastic or boards until they are ready to be used. The other morning as we were driving to preschool Mallory started asking me about the signs and seemed to be getting a little worried/work up about them. Then she finally said “Momma, if they don’t let us read the signs, how will we know where to go?”

Monday, September 16, 2013

Week 12 and Stuff

Ok, I'm not even going to pretend to stay up on the blog. My life is too filled with other things... like life. And I have too much to do to stress/feel guilty about the blog. I'm actually contemplating stopping it all together... but haven't decided yet.
Pregnancy #3 is going great. If it wasn't for my ever-growing chest and belly and my constant hunger I wouldn't even know. It's been a cake walk so far (fingers crossed). This weekend I was 12 weeks! One more week and I'm into the second trimester! Here are the past 3 weeks size pics.
Week 10: 1.25 inches... almost the exact length of all those broken crayons that I find in Mallory room.

Week 11: 1.75 inches...Ahhhh "B" is for baby.
Week 12: 2.5 inches... the size of Little Elmo (one of the few small toys that we have somehow managed not to loose, despite taking it to San Diego, Oregon, Car trips and Shopping. Don't ask me how.)
Some other fun things that we have been up to are enjoying visits from friends. Janie and her beautiful family came to visit (they had business stuff to do... but I like to pretend it was JUST to see me). It's always amazing to see Baker... and this time was even a little more special (if that's even possible) because both of us are pregnant! Which despite all our pregnancies (her 4th my 3rd) has never happened before! So it was fun to rub tummies. Mallory had a great time hanging out with her older girls too... she felt very special that they wanted to play with her.

Then Jeralyn came to visit! She's such a trooper, she had a smile on her face all day (even after spending 2 hours driving here to hang out with me and my CRAZY children!) :) I love when Jeralyn visits... I get to catch up on all the ins and outs of other people that I don't stay in contact with and live vicariously through her and her dating adventures! :)

And last but not least the 4 (and a half) of us went camping for 3 days and 2 nights. It was all-in-all wonderful... despite forgetting our pillows (Matthew went back and got them), and having to pee multiple times a night in the dark, the crazy velosa-raptor sounding animal screeching ALL through the night and the kids bickering over who gets to hold the flash light... or the pink chalk... or the stick... or the leaf. But we hopefully created some fun memories. At least for Matthew and me!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

9 Weeks

Now that I'm 9 1/2 weeks, I thought I would post the 9 weeks pic...
Little "final"/"Done" or "China" (Which Mallory has told me we are naming the baby... if it's a girl) is an inch long. Roughly the size of one of the million pieces of sidewalk chalk you can find scattered throughout our back yard.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Catch Up... Again

Working 55-60 hours a week make blogging near impossible…and I’m sorry. I have actually had a few calls/emails/texts asking if everything is ok because it’s been SOOOOO long since I’ve posted any new information. But rest assured all is well with the Klein Klan.
Mallory has started Preschool and loves it! Each morning she asks to go back (she’s just going 2 days a weeks but apparently can’t get enough).  I can’t believe that she’s old enough to be in school.
Wesley is doing great, and FINALLY starting to expand his vocabulary from something other than grunting and pointing. He’s totally into mimicking works, sounds and actions. And did I mention how stinking cute he is… sadly his strawberry colored hair is now more blond… but he’s still a stunner!
We took a family camping trip with my folks. Just overnight and in town… but it was great! The kids did wonderful. We have a 2 nighter planed for next month and it’ll just be us… no grandparents to help. Gulp!
As for Klein Baby #3… all is great! I just had my intake appointment today. I am 8 weeks and 2 days… so Due on March 30th. Baby looks good, heart looks and sounds good… all it good. I am doing the weekly pictures again (sorry that I had not posted them). Since we have a plethora of toys and kids stuff I thought that I would compare #3 to all that… so here they are:
Week 5: A tiny piece of a sticker (found stuck on Mallory’s floor)
Week 6: A bead (after which I promptly threw all of them away because I was sick of picking them up again and again and again).
Week 7: A small hair clip (we started out with a 12 pack of them… pretty sure this is the last one. The rest must have been lost, broke or eaten).
Week 8: A Gummy Vitamin (I thought it was fitting because that’s kind of what #3 looks like right now)….See.
I’ll TRY to be better about posting… no promises though.