Wednesday, August 28, 2013

9 Weeks

Now that I'm 9 1/2 weeks, I thought I would post the 9 weeks pic...
Little "final"/"Done" or "China" (Which Mallory has told me we are naming the baby... if it's a girl) is an inch long. Roughly the size of one of the million pieces of sidewalk chalk you can find scattered throughout our back yard.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Catch Up... Again

Working 55-60 hours a week make blogging near impossible…and I’m sorry. I have actually had a few calls/emails/texts asking if everything is ok because it’s been SOOOOO long since I’ve posted any new information. But rest assured all is well with the Klein Klan.
Mallory has started Preschool and loves it! Each morning she asks to go back (she’s just going 2 days a weeks but apparently can’t get enough).  I can’t believe that she’s old enough to be in school.
Wesley is doing great, and FINALLY starting to expand his vocabulary from something other than grunting and pointing. He’s totally into mimicking works, sounds and actions. And did I mention how stinking cute he is… sadly his strawberry colored hair is now more blond… but he’s still a stunner!
We took a family camping trip with my folks. Just overnight and in town… but it was great! The kids did wonderful. We have a 2 nighter planed for next month and it’ll just be us… no grandparents to help. Gulp!
As for Klein Baby #3… all is great! I just had my intake appointment today. I am 8 weeks and 2 days… so Due on March 30th. Baby looks good, heart looks and sounds good… all it good. I am doing the weekly pictures again (sorry that I had not posted them). Since we have a plethora of toys and kids stuff I thought that I would compare #3 to all that… so here they are:
Week 5: A tiny piece of a sticker (found stuck on Mallory’s floor)
Week 6: A bead (after which I promptly threw all of them away because I was sick of picking them up again and again and again).
Week 7: A small hair clip (we started out with a 12 pack of them… pretty sure this is the last one. The rest must have been lost, broke or eaten).
Week 8: A Gummy Vitamin (I thought it was fitting because that’s kind of what #3 looks like right now)….See.
I’ll TRY to be better about posting… no promises though.