Thursday, January 31, 2013

New Do

It's fun how a new hair style or bangs can make you feel like a totally new person!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Bay Area Discovery Museum

Before The Plague knocked our family out, we had a wonderful day visiting the Bay Area Discovery Museum. I hadn’t ever been there before (apparently I’ve been living under a rock)… this place is amazing. Both kids had a blast. We didn’t even make it in all the different sections. There’s music, streams, building stuff, arts/crafts, fairytale/dress up,  forts, planes, boats…. It’s like heaven for kids. I can’t wait to go back!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Hack, Hack

For the past 2 1/2 weeks my family has been quarantined in our house as we battled the dreaded flu (or as I like to call it The Plague). It did quite a number on us. The kids started out with just a little cold bug, which after a few days turned into the fever/upper respiratory/cough nastiness. I quickly followed suite but thought it would be fun to add vomiting, diarrhea and a sinus infection into the mix. Poor Matthew was the only healthy one… and he took all of last week off work to run the infirmary. I could hardly leave the bed/bathroom, Mallory bounced back pretty quickly, and poor Wesley kept getting more and more sick and eventually ended up on the correct antibiotic (because he got an ear infection on top of it all) and a nebulizer with Albuteral. We are finally on the mend though… I can eat, I’m slowly getting my sense of smell and taste back and I can walk around without feeling like I’m going to fall over from weakness and best of all nobody is coughing continuously through the night (making it impossible for anyone else to sleep)! Matthew truly was a saint through all of this. I had my doubts at first (I may or may not have said something to the extent of ‘You need to work on your mother skills’… I am going to blame that on the fever). But he really was amazing. Kept us all medicated, hydrated, bathed, breathing, rested, picked up medications/food/tissue… you name it, he did it. Meals, diapers, cleaning. I don’t know how I would have got through it without him. Thank you my love.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

So Practical

I was doing my workout this morning and as always Mallory wanted to do some of it with me. We were about 10 seconds into a set of wall squats, when she looked at me said 'mama I'm going to go find a better chair!'

Monday, January 14, 2013

11 Months Old

I have to pinch myself… Wesley, sweet, tiny, baby Wesley is WEEKS away from turning ONE!!!!! How can that be? How is it that my little boy is growing up so quickly? He is 11 months now, and there is no stopping him. Today he took two steps, paused and took four more before plopping over. He thinks it’s wonderful and will clap for himself whenever he is happy or proud of what he has done. He grins like a cheese ball and laughs at his sister all day. He has 5 teeth (the sixth is coming). He is SUCH a momma’s boy it’s not even funny (almost frustrating at times… if he weren’t so cute about it). He has added a few more words… momma, dada, ba (for ball… which he is OBCESSED with), mo (for more), do (for dog) and anything else is still referred to with grunts and reaching. He loves to reach up and grab his ears when things are funny/excited, to bury his face in anything soft (especially our fluffy couch blanket or Mallory’s stuffed animals and cuddle into my chest and suck his thumb when he gets sleepy. Peek-a-boo and ‘find the ball’ are his favorite games, followed very closely by ‘catch’. He (and Mallory) are soooooooo perfect, they are making us doubt if we want more (why mess with perfection)?????
Oh and if you are wondering what happened to his forehead and left eye… he got in a fight with the garage step… it won.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Bries Visit

The wonderful and amazing Scott family blessed Sonoma County with a much anticipated visit! Poor Brie was practically torn to pieces from all of us Brie-starved friends vying for her time. She looks as beautiful as always, and her kids are growing into such sweet, funny, creative little people!!!! Her visits always go way too quickly, then it’s back to counting down the days until we can see them all again… but MAYBE this year I’ll have to go visit her!?!?!?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

No Pressure

Since Christmas life has been fun, exciting and very full!!!! So I’m sorry about the lack of posts. For the past 5 or 6 months Mallory has had a favorite game that she made up…. It’s called ‘Lets Fix Tigger.’ In this game she is a doctor (along with Dr. Pig and Dr. Lion… which are little finger puppets) and we/they all fix Tigger. Sometimes Tigger is just sick, other times (like today) she says that he was bit by a fox on his leg. The back-stories that she comes up with of why Tigger is in the hospital are always really funny . So, for Christmas mom made her a Doctor coat and gave her a ton of doctor toys (stethoscope, thermometer, bandages, cap, masks, suction device, medicine bottles, reflex hammer, gloves….). Since then you can find her all scrubbed up and going into surgery to ‘Fix Tigger’ every day!!!!! She also LOVES to hear about my work. Every night when I get home, while sitting at the dinner table she’ll put her elbow on the table, rest her chin in her hand and lean towards me and say “Momma, lets talk about your day at work.” she wants to know about every case that I saw, how they got hurt, what test I ran, and how/if I could fix them. Not that I am pressuring her to be a doctor…. But she does have a innate love and interest in it. :)