Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Humpty Dumpty

Mallory and I were saying poems this morning... I would say a few words and then pause and she would fill in the gaps. She was getting all of them right, but apparently thought Humpty Dumpty needed a rewrite. This is now how it goes;
Me: Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a...
Mallory: great opportunity.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

10 Months

10 Months old already! Time is zooming by. Wesley is growing like a weed, I think he around 22 pounds but I’m not sure how tall he is (sorry). He is now anything but stagnant! This boy is into any and everything! Don’t even dare think about leaving something within grasping-reach that you don’t want him to play with, because he’ll find it… and try to eat it. He takes a step or two without holding onto things, but he prefers to cruse/walk. If he’s in a hurry though, he’ll drop and crawl like there’s no tomorrow! This boy is FAST! Too fast. Thankfully he is (almost) always close at Mallory’s heels.  He says Daadaa, Momma and Baba-baba (bottle, I think). He has two cute little bottom teeth that he likes to rub on everything. We’ve been working on the sign language thing, but he is not having it! He is a grunter… and boy does he get his point across! He has different grunts/pitches for ‘more’, ‘water’, ‘done’ and ‘Hey, I want whatever it is that my sister is playing with/eating’… its sooooooo funny! He has had two really nice little bruises on his head all within the past 3 days (since when he’s going into ‘supper-speed’ crawl mode, he tucks his head and doesn’t look where he’s going)… BAM! Right into the wall/door/toy box/table /dog … you get the picture. He loves nothing more than having someone get on the floor with him. He’ll laugh hysterically, inches closer to you, than high-tails it in the opposite direction (giggling the entire time). If you don’t crawl-chase him, he’ll turn around and give you the cheekiest grin and then crawl back and rub his face all over you. This boy just kills me! (oh and is you are wondering what happened to the cute foam letters/numbers… a little busy-handed little girl found where I had hid them and has lost most of them… not to mention it would have been virtually impassable to get Wesley to leave them alone.)

Monday, December 10, 2012

B-Day Gal

Yesterday I turned 25 again… for the 7th time. It was wonderful! I honestly think it was one of my favorite birthdays ever!
Saturday morning Joyce and John came over to watch the kids, while Matthew and I drove to San Francisco for a wonderful overnight stay. It was heaven. We first went to the San Francisco Academy of Science and then bought lunch from a fancy traveling/tuck lunch-place that had killer clam chowder and calamari. Then it was off to the Hotel Griffon. I had found a deal from living social and it was well worth it! This place was awesome! Super fancy and all that I could have hoped for…. robes, chocolate on our pillows and a beautiful view of the bay. We had dinner at a way up-scale place called Butterfly (Thanks again to living social), then we walked down to pier 39, then walked back to our hotel. Being the party animals we are, we are asleep by 10:30!

Sunday morning we didn’t roll out of bed until 8:30 (it’s amazing how long you can stay in bed when there aren’t kids to take care of or work to run off to), and then headed out for brunch followed by a 2 mile walk to and up Coit Tower. What a view. We walked back to the hotel (randomly met up with Carrie for a second) and then headed home. That evening Mom, Dad, Joyce and John all came over for an amazing dinner and dessert that Mom made. It was such a wonderful day(s). Thank you to all, it was perfect!!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I feel like I have been in a constant state of catch-up.
Here are some of the pictures from Thanksgiving. It was our year to spend it with Matthews family, so we went to Forest Hill for a few nights. It was really nice.... different, but nice. The biggest difference was that we have kids, so it's not just a get together and shoot the breeze sort of time. Its now a try to entertain/feed/care for the kids, make sure they aren't tearing someones house apart, and try and say more then just a passing 'hi' to family that we haven't seen in months sort of a time. Traveling with kids is EXHAUSTING! They are off, I am off (which makes Matthew feel off), NO ONE sleeps and yet the entire time I'm trying to tell myself 'relax, enjoy yourself, you're not at home/work,' which just stresses me out more because i KNOW i need to relax...(I need to remember self-pep-talks don't work for me). Any way, all in all it was a really nice time. Maybe next time we'll just leave the kids at home to fend for themselves so we can gets some adult time.  Just kidding.