Thursday, November 29, 2012

Baby Crack

Pretty sure toilet paper is like crack to a baby! I mean seriously! The more they play with it, the more they want it. It all starts with just a innocent little swat of the roll, then before you know it they are crawling down the hallway with the entire roll trailing behind them.  Just say NO to T.P.

Remember this one? Mallory was the same age when she started dabbling in T.P. Thankfully she kicked the habit shortly there after. ;)

Monday, November 26, 2012


Today was a day of firsts for Wesley.

His first steps! Yep, at 9 1/2 months this boy is ‘walking’! Our life is about to get drastically more insane… just as soon as these two kids start running in opposite directions.

His first fat lip! Matthew as playing with him and Mallory out on the stone patio and Wesley was standing up or trying to walk and instead fell face/lip first into the stone. Brave boy didn't cry for more than 10 seconds.

His first visit with Santa! He was actually pretty cool with Santa. Mallory, on the other hand, all day couldn't stop talking about him, yet the second she saw him she didn't say a word or crack a smile (not even for a candy)!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Ice Cream

 We went out for ice cream the other day. It was some fancy place with CRAZY flavors (rose petal, hay, corn, avocado, chili... and then all the 'normal, boring' ones too). I think Mallory got mint chip, Matthew got Elvis (chocolate/peanut butter/banana) and some chocolate espresso one, and I got Vanilla Chai Tea. They were good! It was Wesley's first Ice Cream experience... I think he loved it! No surprise there! ;)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

9 Months

Wesley has now been growing in the outside world, as long as he was growing in my inside world! I can’t believe he’s 9 months old. He is a wonderful little man. Full of joy, laughter, contentment and just the right amount of neediness to keep us from forgetting about him and we chase after Mallory. From the get-go I had pegged him as a laid back, don’t want to rush sort of fellow… I was wrong (so much for mother’s instincts). He wants to play and follow Mallory so badly that there is no holding him back, staying put or tying him down! This past month he has started doing so much… He says Daada, and will have a conversation with you (back and forth) if you ‘aaaaa’ at him. He ‘zips’ around the house doing what I have termed ‘Monster Crawling’ (since he drags himself around with his arms while on his belly like a zombie with missing legs)… most normal people call it an Army Crawl. Anyway, as a result you should check out the shoulder muscles on this boy! Dang! Wesley pulls himself up on everything and has started ‘cruzing’ and just tonight started using the push/walking toy and was taking lots of little unsteady steps forward. He has even started pushing himself up to a standing position from the ground (without holding onto anything) and standing there for 5-10 seconds before toppling over! So despite my hope of having a baby that wanted to remain stagnant, it seems that Mallory is too much of a temptation and he is determined to run after her (sooner rather than later). He’s a total cheese ball, and has grins like a mad-man when we take the camera out…these grins are so big that he practically goes blind in the process. It cracks be up! Oh and he FINALLY has teeth. Two cute little bottom ones. And no shocker here, he still loves, loves, loves to eat! I only am nursing him once a day (in the mornings). It was a joint decision between him and me. As his distractibility went WAY up, my milk went WAY down. I have tons and tons of frozen breast milk though so we don’t have to worry about buying formula ever!  Oh and he is weighing in at a whooping 21.2 pounds! There you have it.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Wesley LOVES his Daddy. I mean he totally and utterly adores him...(but don't take that to mean that he's not a Momma boy, because he totally is). But Matthew walks into the room and Wesley wiggles, giggles and beams. So it's no wonder that today he started saying "Daada, Daada, Daada"!!!!!! I'm not sure if he knows what he's saying, or who he's saying it to, but it's darn cute. And since Mallory said 'Momma' as her first word it's only fitting that Wesley said 'Daada' (besides, you should have seen the glow on Matthews face today!!!!!)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Happy Halloween

Halloween was fun. Wet, but fun.
Mallory wanted to be a Spider (don't ask me why, I still haven't figured that out), and Wesley was a Raccoon. It rained all through trick-or-treating, but it made for great memories. Mallory pretty much 'got' Halloween this year. It was fun to watch. She would stomp up to the door in her purple rain boots and umbrella and say "tick-or treat" to the closed door. "Mallory," we would tell her, "you have to wait until you knock on the door." She she would then knock on the door and immediately say "trick-or-treat." "Mallory, you have to wait until someone opens the door." Then when someone would open the door Mallory would shyly mumble "trick-or-treat." But as soon as she was given candy she would excitedly want to move on to another house (and the entire process was repeated). Good times.