Friday, September 28, 2012


My knees soul purposes in life are to torture me. Honest. In 1995 I had my first ACL repair (I was only in 8th grade), followed by another ACL repair on the opposite knee in 1998. My meniscus in the first 'bad' knee went up in flames in 2001, both have been holding pretty 'steady' for the past 11 years. (And by steady I mean, pop, creak, lock, swell and stiffen with any change in the weather or strenuous exercise). I'm sure you are thinking then why in the world do I run.... well, because I’m crazy. And at this point I have given up so many other things because of my knees; Basketball, soccer, skiing, jumping on trampolines (not that my bladder would allow for that any way)... so I need something. And I love to run. Any way.... a month before the lasts half marathon I kind of tweaked my left knee (The one that has only had 1 of the 3 surgeries). I rested it for 2 weeks, it felt great. I ran, it felt great. Woohoo. Wednesday I went for a little 4 mile run and half way through my knee kind of hurt. Being the bull-headed lady I am, I pushed on. 1/8th of a mile to go I had to walk/limp back. It was KILLING me. I iced it. I elevated it. It still hurt. I saw the doctor yesterday and tonight I get to have an MRI. Sigh! It feels like meniscus again. But I would really appreciate any and all prayers because I really am not in the mood for another knee surgery. Besides if I needed another one, I'm afraid that my Dad would guilt me into never running again. ;)



Thursday, September 27, 2012

Siblings? Are You Sure?

I took some pictures of Wesley a few weeks ago and as I was looking back through them I realized that I had taken some of Mallory in the same sort of style at just about the exact same age.... so I thought it would be fun to see them side by side. Pretty sure if I didn't know they were siblings, I wouldn't even think they were related. Aren't genetics strange????

Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

7 Months Old

How time flies. Wesley Robert is already 7 months old, and growing like a weed. He sits up like a champ now (and only topples over when he's trying to go from a sitting to a crawling position). He wants to crawl and really wants to stand! He even gets frustrated that he can't do it on his own. He is still a little chow hound and just a few days ago finally mastered the 'finger pinch into mouth' technique with his food pieces. He loves to bawk and squawk especially to Mallory and me. He LOVES the camera and will even stop crying to smile for a picture (sooooo unlike his sister). He is a joy. He loves to be outside and puts any and everything in his mouth (toys, clothes, wood, rocks, sand.... anything that he can grasp he puts into his mouth). He has yet to sprout any little chompers, and yesterday I weighted him at my work and he was 19.1 pounds! Yikes!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Santa Barbara

Last Friday the four of us took off for Santa Barbara to go to Matthews cousins wedding. I was a little worried about the it. Not the wedding, but the DRIVE! I had no idea how the kids were going to handle a 7 hour car ride. Turns out that I didn't need to worry at all. Each way we only needed to stop once, to eat/play (I do have to say that the portable dvd player came in very handy for Mallory though). The other worry was all 4 of us in one hotel room. That too went perfectly. So with all my worries put to rest I got to enjoy the 4 day vacation. It was wonderful. Santa Barbara is beautiful. The wedding was stunning! And the company was perfect. It just ended too quickly. Ahhhh back to reality. Laundry. Cleaning. Cooking. Work.



Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Chapman Visit

About 3 weeks ago Janie and her wonderful, beautiful family came to Sonoma County for a whirl-wind trip. Somehow I was lucky enough to get them ALL for just about 8 hours!!!!! We met at my parents house and let the kids run amuck in the back yard, while Janie and I talked and laughed like we were in high school. Thank you guys for blowing an entire day on us!!!!!!

p.s.... Happy Birthday Baker (not that we are getting ANY older) :)

Monday, September 3, 2012


This is a game I like to play...
'Count the Baby Rolls'
How many can you find? :)

Got to LOVE baby chunk!