Thursday, March 29, 2012

Too Fast

A week and a half ago (on March 18th) Wesley rolled over! I know what you are thinking… that he was only 4 ½ weeks old, that I am crazy, that I am making it up… but it’s true! The first time he rolled over was actually two days before that, but I had just chalked it up to it being a fluke
accident (he was on his tummy and was a little fussy and I figured sheer momentum must have caused it). But then the next day he rolled onto his side (while not being fussy) and then on the 18th he was on his belly for some tummy time and he lifted his head, arched his back, rotated his arm and rolled over like he’d been doing it his entire life. Matthew was even there to see it all (which means I’m not crazy)! Granted he hasn’t done it since… but maybe he’ll be like Mallory and just do something once (or twice) to prove he can and then not do it again for a while. Looks like we may have another little over achiever on our hands. I’m not totally sure I’m happy about that… He’s already getting so big, I do not want to rush into him growing up even faster or being mobile
just yet.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Beenas Visit

Sweet Beena left this morning after a week long visit with us! Her main reason for the trip was to meet little Wesley Man, but she was also missing Mallory (oh and the rest of us too). I think that this was my favorite trips of hers as of yet. We really hit it off (we have always gotten along wonderfully, but sometimes butt heads due to our personalities). But this trip was wonderful! She fell madly in love with Wesley and really bonded with Mallory (and Mallory to her. In fact Mallory woke up this morning and pretended to call Beena on her fake cell phone). Benna would sit for hours with Wesley sound asleep on her chest telling me stories of the trips overseas that she and Boppa took (stories I had never heard!!!) and talking about the differences/similarities of child rearing now v.s. 65 years ago. She (and mom) even baby sat the kids a few times while I ran errands or went to appointments. It was a total blessing to have her here and the week went way too quickly. I'm hoping that she'll come again before July.... but we'll see.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Mallory has been cracking me up... when Wesley crys(which thankfully isn't too offten), she runs up to him and says "No cry Buck-a-roo, no cry" it's so cute. She's such a good big sister.

I know that I have been bad about blogging about Mallory, Wesley and all of our lifes goings-ons, I have LOADS to catch you all up on... this week I want to be better about blogging... so stay tuned. :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Should I Worry????

'Ahhhh how sweet', is what you are thinking, right? Mallory looks so happy...sweet...loving... like she would never let anything happen to her Tickle-Me-Elmo... right?

This is the scene that I walked into. Mallory had Elmo on her work bench and was putting him through the ringer! Drilling his body and trying to saw off his arm! I didn't know if I should laugh or be very frightened... (so I took pictures instead). But really, I don't want her to end up like 'Sid'... you remember that crazy neighbor kid from Toy Story (the one that dissembled the toys and created monster-like toys).
So Far Elmo is still intact, so I'm hoping that we are in the clear. :)
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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

1 Month!

Yesterday Wesley Robert Klein turned ONE month old! (I can’t even begin to tell you how fast this month went) and its nuts to think that he is 1/12 of the way to being a year old. Man, time flies. I copied this picture idea from Michelle (cute idea, huh? Thanks Michelle).
Wesley is such a good little man. Very happy and mellow. He loves to snuggle, but is almost just as happy in his swing or on his tummy for a little tummy time. His sleeping pattern is getting better too; it’s like 3 ½ to 4 hours at a time for the past 3 nights. He is getting over his first cold (apparently he’s a great sharer, because now we are all now passing around the little cold-bug). He’s working through it like a champ though. Today he smiled at me for the first time! It wasn’t a gas smile or a sleeping/dreaming smile either. It was a eyes open looking right at me smile… and it happened THREE times! It melted me heart. I think I actually squealed, I was so excited! I am so in love with this little man, and feel blessed to be his mom.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Photo Shoots

Ok, so I feel a little naive in saying this, but I honestly didn’t realize how little time I was going to have with two kids. I’m sure that all you moms are probably shaking your head and laughing at me, but I really thought that I would at least have a second or two every day to get out to the garage and work on my blog or my photo album. Yeah right! But if Mallory doesn’t need me, Wesley does. I don’t know how people with two or more do it…. What’s the trick?
Anyway, I have been trying to write about Wesley’s photo shoots for the past few weeks, but just haven’t gotten around to it. So better late, then never, right?
I’m pretty sure that Wesley thinks that he is royalty or famous and is being stocked by the paparazzi the way that cameras appear and flashes go off when ever he’s around! Between, me, my mom, Joyce and the two photo shoots he’s been in, it’s no big surprise that flashes don’t seem to bother him anymore.
When Janie came to visit, she graciously took a trillion newborn photos of both him and of our entire family. And let me tell you, it is NO small feat to get a picture of Mallory holding still… but she did it! It was such a fun shoot, lots of different settings, hats and outfits! We had a ball and she has such a great eye. I can’t thank her enough (and I will very soon have a handful of her photos hanging on our wall).
The second photo shoot was done by Michelle Demoss (who works with my mom). Apparently mom knits a bunch of things for her, so Michelle wanted to thank her but doing a photo shoot of Wesley. This shoot was great too! We went to her house and she had the whole nine yards (in terms of gear/props/equipment/editing software). She spent two hours shooting Wesley and got some incredible shots. I feel like he’s now the poster child for cuteness! I have a handful of her pictures ordered too… I’m telling you Wesley is just too cute not to order a ton of them.
So thank you to all that were involved in capturing the cuteness Wesley’s first few weeks of life.


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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Random Info


Wonders of wonders, I am alive! Sorry I have been a little overwhelmed lately, and somehow the 24 hours we are allotted each day is not nearly enough to do everything that I am wanting to get done… so needless to say I am doing the more important things like feeding the family and animals, exercising, cleaning, playing, changing diapers and napping when possible. Things that I may WANT to do like Blogging, bubble baths, painting my toes and full night’s sleep have been moved to the do when/if I can list (or possibly the never again list in the case of the night’s sleep). Wesley seems to have gotten into a ‘habit’ of waking up ever 1 ½ to 2 hours a night and wants to nurse. I had thought that it was just to up my milk, but now that it has been going on for a week and a half I am thinking it’s just him, not the milk. Yesterday I went to see a lactation consultant just to make sure all is fine with his nursing/my milk (I think I’m a little gun-shy after all the issues with our Little Miss). But Wes and I are totally ‘normal.’ And the consultant gave me a few really great things to try (to see if we can get him to go a little longer between night time feedings...this translates to me getting to sleep a little longer). We did them yesterday/last night and Wesley slept for 3 to 3 ½ hour stents all night! Heaven! Hopefully it continues. Oh, he did get weighed yesterday and he is now 7 pounds, 14 oz (up an entire pound since birth).
Ok, now to brag on Mallory for a second. She is such a riot, she knows her colors so well, and walks around telling you “this is the_______ (insert any color here) one” to just about anything. She knows red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, black, brown and (the dreaded) pink. She also knows the names of all 7 dwarfs (she has these little plastic Disney dwarf dolls), and she is working on the numbers 1-10. It was so funny, the other night I was helping her say her prayers (me say the words and she repeats them) and this is how our conversation to God went:
Jessica: Dear…
Mallory: Dear
J: Lord
M: Lord
J: Thank you
M: Naake you
J: For
M: Five
J: no, for
M: Five
J: ok, never mind… the day.
M: K, mind, da day.
It was cracking me up… after all the work on numbers, of course FIVE comes after FOR.
I’m telling you, in a matter of years she is going to be the smartest on in this house.

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

2 Week Check Up

Yes, that is a manly blue package covering Wesley’s ‘package’. It was too cute of a picture not to share… but I didn’t think everyone on the web needed/wanted to see what he’s ‘packin’.
Anyway, today Wes had his 2 week doctor checkup. It went great! He has grown an inch, his head has grown an ½ inch and he has gained 8 ounces. So he is now 20 inches long, his head is 13.58 and he weighs a whooping 7 pounds 6.3 oz! He is nice and strong and is starting to push up with his legs when you stand in upright. He loves tummy-time and will lift and turn his head on his own. He is still way mellow, and is an all-around happy man. The past two days he has been trying to up my milk supply, so he’s wanting to eat every 2 hours (almost on the dot) even at night (Not nearly as fun as the 4 hour sleeping stents he was doing)… but at least he goes right back to sleep when he is full.
Mallory is still being wonderful with him, though she is too helpful at times and we constantly have to remind her to be gentle, or not to cover him with blankets, not to steal his blankets from him, not to drop books on him and not to shove his pacifier in his mouth! But at least there has yet to be any resentment or mean play (fingers crossed).
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