Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Dr. Is In

I am back in business! Yep, it's official, I have a job! After a few great interviews and a little negotiating back and forth I am officially going to be a veterinarian for Santa Rosa Veterinary Hospital! It's going to be a little bit of a change not being in Healdsburg, but hopefully lots of my clients wont mind the drive and I get to work very close to my home! The other exciting part is that (once again) I am going to get to expand the range of animals that I work on. Approximately 25% of the patients seen at S.R.V.H (Santa Rosa Veterinary Hospital) at exotic (birds, reptiles and pocket-pets). So I am really super excited about the range of new animals that I'll be learning about and now treating!!!!! I start in 2 weeks, so I get 2 more wonderful weeks of Mallory-filled days.

Life is good!


Yesterday Matthews grandmother Helen Bridgman passed away.

So sad.

Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Pass The Buck

Honestly, one of the added perks to having a husband is that there is someone else to help take the blame... or to put the blame on :) Here is a perfect example...
Yesterday Matthew, Mallory and I attended our friend Anne's 30th b-day bash. Mallory was not supper happy about being there (I'm not sure if she's teething, or it was all the people, or the fact the yard wasn't baby-friendly or what, but she was being a little fuss-bucket). So we called in reinforcements. Yep, the grandparents! (Thank goodness for them). Anyway they showed up and we passed off the little whiner along with her snacks and diaper bag, and Matthew and I enjoyed a few child-free hours. Ahhhhhhh! At about 6:30 we thought that we should probably rescue my folks and so we started saying our 'good-byes'... that's when Matthew came up to me and asked if I had the keys. After giving my pockets a quick pat-down I remembered that I had put them in the diaper bag for safe-keeping! The diaper bag that HE gave to my folks! :) See someone to help share/take the blame. What could be better?! :) I love you Matthew!!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I Scream, Your Scream, We All Scream....

A few weeks ago we were all in the city for Matthews rugby game. While there, we thought, hey, let’s go for ice cream! Since we were in San Francisco there was no question as to where we would be getting our little treat... Ghirardelli Square!!!! WooHoo! Up until that point the Little Miss had not really had sweets, so we were all excited to see what she thought. Needless to say, Mallory LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it! The ice cream, the whipped cream, the banana, the fudge! The whole kit and caboodle! Granted she is a combination of Matthew and my sweet-loving genes, so I guess we shouldn't have been shocked!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What Are The Odds?

How cool is this! I was map questing an address in Windsor and as I was looking at the map, I saw that there was a Jessica Dr.... so just for fun I followed that and low-and-behold it T'ed into Mallory Ave!!!!! So of course I had to go there for myself and take a picture. I want to bring Mallory next time and take a picture with both of us under it.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Walk On With Your Bad Self!

I have been a very bad blogger-er, because almost 2 weeks ago little Miss Mallory took her first steps (and I was too wrapped up in my pity party to write about it). Oops!
Soooooo... zheres the story; Mallory and I were at the park and she had climbed to the top of the play structure (this kid is fearless) and was banding on some pipes. I was sitting a few feet away (yes I was on the kiddy play structure too) watching. She turned and looked over her shoulder and smiled at me... not just any smile, but one that I think I am going to have to get used to spotting very soon... you know the one that says 'I'm about to do something and there is nothing you can do stop it'. Yup, that smile. She then turned her body, let go of the pipes and took a step, brought both feet together and then just sort of fell into my arms! It was so cute! But to be honest I wasn't even sure if that classified as 'walking' until she did it again in front of both my mom and Joyce and both confirmed that she is now officially walking! Since last week she has progressed from 1 to 2 steps before falling into my arms and giggling wildly. She thinks walking is so funny, and i cant help but laugh at her. I do feel very blessed for getting to be here with her to watch her grow-up...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Splish Splash

I'm not sure who has more fun at bath time... Mallory or us! Ok, who am I kidding, I do know, it's us! :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Copy Cat

It's so funny, now that I have my own child I am in total ahhh of the things that she does and I have to keep reminding myself that just about every other person has done just about the same thing she is doing.... maybe they just weren't so darn cute about it.

Well, it's officially here! The time when Mallory has started to copy things that we do and sounds/words that we say. Yesterday Mallory was playing with a toilet paper roll (cheap toy I know.... but hey, I don't have a job, what do you expect). Any way, I took it from her and put it to my mouth and made a trumpet noise and gave it back to her. She looked at me like I was crazy... so I did it again. But this time when I gave it to her she brought it to her lips and made a trumpet sound! Soooooooo cute!!!! She spent the rest of the day making me take turns with her playing the T.P trumpet. When Matthew got home I told him about it, and for once Mallory actually took a request and played the trumpet for her daddy. Matthew was duly impressed... as he should be! :)

Now we'll just have to remember that we can't do/say anything we don't want HER to do or say!

Monday, May 16, 2011


So without fail... literally the moment that I hit "publish post" Mallory screamed as a wet-liquid poo fired out of her, soaking though her diaper, onsie, pants, shirt, up her back and down her legs! I contemplated cutting the clothes off her, it was sooooo messy! :) Eeeewwww! Me and my big mouth.

Stinky Pants

So my Friday work day went great! It actually wasn't a working interview but I was doing relief work for them (Because they were short one dr). They kept saying how they wished there was another position available because I seemed to fit right in, but sadly there is not. At least I had fun and know that they'll ask me back to do relief work again, and I made a little money (which is always helpful when you're unemployed) :)
This weekend Mallory had a stomach bug! Poor baby! We went through around 20 diapers yesterday alone (poor us), she took 5 naps in one day, had a fever and such bad gas. I was all prepared to take her to the dr. this morning, but when she got up she was happy as ever, normal poo and no more fever. Hurray!
I promise to start posting cute pictures of every ones favorite little baby girl again soon... maybe tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fringers Crossed

Ok, I know you all really only care about seeing cute pictures of Mallory... but not only have I not taken the time to download pictures, but I just want to be selfish and talk more about me for a while. :)As of this afternoon I have had 2 phone interviews (one with a hospital in Santa Rosa, the other with one in Healdsburg)! Both went very well and I MIGHT even have a working interview this Friday! (The butterflies in my tummy are a-goin')!!!! Actually One of the hospitals had just hired someone 2 weeks ago, but the more the Dr. and I talked... the more he was saying that this new vet may not work out and that I should come in!!!! Not that I want someone to lose their job, but maybe I could do relief or part time work. Who knows! So please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I continue this adventure...

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Hunt

Sorry that I haven't posted in a week. It's taken a little time for me to wrap my head around this whole jobless-ness thing. Not that I fully (not even close) understand what went on, or what I/we are going to do now. But I've come to accept that (once again) I can't/ don’t have to know each and every thing that is going to happen in my life.
So with that I have been enjoying my time with Mallory! She and I have been going on long runs (which is great because I have no where that I then have to be at at any particular time), going to the park, working in the yard and in the house, hanging out with my mom, and doing some arts/crafts. It feels like a little home vacation. :) I have also revamped my resume and written a few cover letters and sent them all over to Brie who graciously edited them (and it's a good thing I did, because as a professor she knows how things should be done/writing/worded and kept me from looking like an idiot). What, humors not appropriate in a resume? (Just kidding, I'm not that bad). I now have my letters of recommendation from Dr. Dave, so... Let the hunt begin (after I go and buy some time resume paper to print it all out on)!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I feel as though I have been sucker punched!
Right to my gut!
Yesterday, without warning I was 'let go' from my job! My job that I love. Apparently not for anything that I did or didn't do (not that I was told at least), but because money is so bad.
The poor economy has finally hit my little perfect bubble world.
So here I am at home on a Tuesday afternoon.
I have cleaned, ran, gardened, washed the dog, played with/fed/cared for Mallory, updated my resume, written 2 cover letters and FINALLY have stopped crying. Yesterday I was like a leaky faucet... water was pouring out of my eyes and nose (ewww). Pretty sure that my eyes are still swollen to about ½ their normal size.
But everything happens for a reason. God has a plan. Now I just have to listen to/for it.
Even with the reassurance that I KNOW I'll land on my feet, it doesn't make it any easier.
Pray for me, please.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Preston Thomas Scott

This weekend I was blessed! I got to be a part of an experience that I will NEVER forget! There may be nothing that is as amazing as actually delivering your own baby.... but being part of the delivery itself comes very, very close!

One of my closest friends, Brianna Scott, asked if I wanted to be past of her birthing team. Ok, she didn't really say it like that, it was more like, 'hey you can be in the room if you want.' But in my head it was like she was bestowing some great hidden secret to me... and I was SOOOOOO excited! I mean excited to the point that I couldn't sleep the night before her induction!!!! Her silly little man was 3 days late and showing NO signs of wanting to exit. So Friday night she and Brian (her hubby) checked into the hospital to try and 'smoke' the baby out... a.k.a induce labor. I got the to hospital at 9 am Saturday morning all ready for the great adventure. As the amount of Pitocin was upped and upped we all would get more and more anxious. Convinced that with THIS increase real labor was bound to start. After 6 hours of a lot of nothin' but the regular contractions she had been having all day, I left for about 2 1/2 hours to eat, rest and see my family. Then I got a text saying they had broke her water!!!! Woohoo! I had Matthew rush me over (we were grocery shopping), leaving my poor husband with groceries and a hungry and very wet baby! But being part of Bries baby adventure was my top priority at that point!

Brie was a champ! She labored for only 2 hours (once the water was broke). She and Brian were a perfect pair, they would hug onto each other and breath together while I rubbed her back/sides/arms.... any body part that I had access too. :) Brie has had 2 beautiful kids already, so she knows how to labor and is a total pro at pushing these notoriously big babies out... but for both of those she had an epidural. This time, for whatever reason she didn't! And let me tell you she was AMAZING! Her composure, her focus, her ability to follow directions! She was a true champion! I'll save you all the details, since it's not my story to fully tell, but both she and Brian were wonderful!

And in the end they were holding a perfect 9 pound 6 ounce 22 inch long baby! I was overcome with emotion, watching a baby enter the world has got to be one of the most phenomenal things ever! It is a true miracle! I now see why my mom loves her job so much. I felt like I was on such a natural high afterwards. I was tired, yet wide awake and I couldn't stop smiling!

Brie, thank you for letting me be there and be a part of the beautiful birth of Preston! I feel so honored!