Friday, January 28, 2011

Another Fun Wedding

Last weekend we had (another) wedding to go to! It was a traditional catholic wedding (lots of standing/sitting/standing/sitting). It was beautiful and very fun (especially since we don't get to see the bride and groom that often). Plus there were a few of the other guest that Matthew and I used to see more frequently... but now that we live in santa rosa/now that we/they all have babies we don't see each other nearly as much.

There was a 10 piece Mariachi band! 2 trumpets, 4 violins, 2 regular guitars, 1 tiny and 1 huge guitar. It was so cool! The funny thing was that Mallory loved them so much she feel asleep to them as they were playing about 10 feet from her... (I was worried that she would be able to sleep while they played so close), but oh no, she can sleep through noise. Its the quiet that we have to worry about... as soon as they stopped playing she work up. Go figure! Silly little girl.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Toms Birthday

I can't believe that my youngest brother has turned 22! It's amazing how time just flys. Thomas is one of the sweetest young men ever! He has the most tender heart. I love watching him with Mallory.... she is so in love with him, and he with her. She smiles and giggles at him and he gently pets her soft chunky cheeks. It's so cute. It has been such a treat to watch this boy turn into a man! He's responsible, going to school, dating a really great gal and is expanding his job by adding his own 'twist' to the canoeing experience.

So last night we all got together and ate one of Tommys favorite meals... pizza :) It was a fun night, pizza, lava cakes, gits and games.
I love you Tommy-Toons! Happy Birthday!

Monday, January 24, 2011


Just had my upper for the day... A See's candy and a diet Dr. Pepper! Go Baby Go!

Friday, January 21, 2011

And in this corner, weighing in at a whopping 18 pounds and 4 ounces, Mallory "The Tank" Klein! (And the crowd goes wild)!!!!!!!
Yeah our 'little' miss just had her 6 month baby doctor visit. Can you all believe that it's been 6 months already? I mean on one hand time seems like it has flown by, yet on the other it's virtually impossible to imagine life without her.
Mallory is in the 89th percentile (still) for weight, the 58% for height (standing all of 2 feet, 2 inches) and in the 32% for her peanut head (at 41.9 centimeters).
The Doctor was very impressed with how strong she is, as Mallory showed off her ability to sit up straight and pull herself up into a standing position. This little girl scoots herself around, but has not figured out how to 'officially' crawl like a 'normal' kid. She would much rather walk around like a big girl... gee I wonder where she gets that from? :)
Life with Mallory Rose is so much fun. Yesterday she laughed for the first time. Not just a cute little giggle but a full blown baby laugh. You know the one that makes you crack up too! And what was she laughing at (I'm sure you're asking).... I was doing push-up in front of her and she thought that was the silliest thing ever. I'm sure that it wasn't my form (on my knees, head down, back anything but straight.... that's how you all look when you do push-ups, right?) that was make her laugh! :) But that little stinker, the second that Matthew pulled the video camera out to record that joyous sound, she stopped! She looked straight at hims and said (with her overly expressive eyes) 'you want this? Yeah right! I am going to pretend to be supper interested in my blocks and pretend that mom doesn't look ridiculous right now as she does waaaaaaay tooooooo many push-ups trying to get me to laugh again.... I laugh on my own time, and it's not now.'
Guess who's arms hurt today?!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Internal Emotional Dilemma (almost)

Uhhhg! So the other day at work I (almost) really big emotional dilemma... which got me thinking, 'What would I do?'
Ok, here is the back story. This couple brought in a very, very, very cute and totally sweet 13 week old puppy who fell off a 4-wheeler and fractured her femur. The couple were really very nice but didn't have much money (a really common theme in this economy). Due to the type and location of the fracture I would have to put a rod thought the femur and then place a K.E. until (the metal bars that stick out of the leg). I discounted it as much as I could because they had told me of their financial position, but when I gave them the cost they were still unsure if they could afford it. One of the first things that they said was "She's just a puppy and we haven't invested much time in her and that's a lot of money, we might have to just put her down."
I left the room, to give them a moment to talk about it, all the while trying to compose myself/figure out what I was going to do. I was in a rock and a hard place. This was my train of though... 'I have already made it cheaper then ANYWHERE else.... probably cheaper then I should, the leg is way to bad to heal on it's own, there's no way of splinting/casting it, she is so sweet I don't know if I could kill her, if I fix it for free I'll be known as a push-over.... I could have them surrender her to me, then I could fix her and find her a new home/keep her.... but then that doesn't seem fair to them... '
Thankfully they decided to let me fix her leg... the surgery when without a hitch. She went home yesterday and is doing great!
But it got me thinking, if they said 'put her down'... what would I have done?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tahoe Trip

This weekend Matthew, Mallory and I headed up to Tahoe to spend a few days with my folks (who were staying in Tahoe for a week). We had such a nice time! The weather was beautiful! Snow all over the place, but the temperature was nice and warm (around 50 degrees) outside! We didn't go skiing or snowboarding, we just enjoyed ourselves while doing 'nothing'. Mallory got to play in the snow... but seemed to enjoy the fire-time a little more! :)

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Mom and Dad watched Mallory on Friday, so that Matthew and I could spend a little time wondering the city on our own while drinking 'naughty girl scouts' (hot chocolate and peppermint schnapps) Mmmmmmmmm.

Then we all taught Mallory how to play pool... She was very good at it.
Saturday the four of us headed into Sparks for one of Matthews pre-season rugby games. I have to admit, that because I got to meet up with Janie (her baby-in-the-belly Owen), Janie's sister Susie and her son Eli.... I didn't really pay too much attention to the game (sorry Matthew). I did manage to snap a picture of him though (he's number 12).

It was SO wonderful to see Janie. I can't even say how much I miss not being able to see her whenever I want. The fact that each of us do a blog helps (thanks for getting me into it Baker)... but whenever I actually see her I feel like I am transported back to jr. high and get all giggly!!! It's strange to think that we are both grown-ups now. Wives. Mothers. Doctors. It really does feels like no time has passed. In less then 3 months Janie is going to be having her first baby boy (she has 2 really cute little girls). I am so excited for her and I can't wait to meet little Owen.
Susie and Eli were visiting Janie (and her family) too, so we got to finally meet Eli! He is such a cute little man. Mallory was really taken by him and was very jealous of all his hair! :) She just wanted to love and touch him, and the poor guy really would have rather her just go back to eating her banana! :) Thank you all for a wonderful weekend. Mom and dad, we had a blast!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

All Clear

Good News.... the fecal has come back and it is all clear! No more feeling guilty that I brought something home from work! Mallory is doing MUCH better and is back to her more typical poos! (i know you all have been on the edge of you seats, just dieing to know). :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


OK, I think that I may just sit here and have a mini heart attack! I just finished what was supposed to be a routine mass removal and dental.... and it was NOTHING but routine! The plan was to take off 5 small masses in both mammary chains from a 10 year old male dog and while the dog was knocked out do a dental too. I didn't get to one of the masses or the dental because the dog STOPPED breathing 3 times and his heart STOPPED once!!!!! Yikes! These are the type of things about my job that I do not like! I hate that I have to fight to keep my heart rate and blood pressure under control, as I am pushing all sorts of revitalizing drugs into this dogs veins, barking out orders for one of the technicians to breath for the dog (since it's hooked up to the anesthetic machine) and having the other monitor all his vitals/get all the things I need, increasing fluids and stopping the gas flow... all the while stopping the bleeding and closing the incision site.
But rest assured the dog is now fine, and is awake and happy in his cage. He still has one very small mammary mass that I didn't get to take off and still has a horrendous set of teeth... but as I explained to the owner; it's better to have the dog alive and breathing on his own then the alternative (dead but with a clean set of teeth).
I'm going to go and pass out now.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Poor Baby Girl

Poor baby girl has had a rough go of it the past few days. Not only is her second bottom tooth in, but Thursday night she starting having diarrhea... 5 times in 3 hours... not just the normal 'my poo is soft' sort of diarrhea, but the type that looks like the consistency of water! Then the bloodly tinge appeared! Ahhhhhh! Top that off with a fever and you have the makings of a very nervous momma! I called my mom, then the advice nurse, who connected me with the on-call doctor. (Who, I have to say was not the brightest bulb in the bunch). I tried to explain my main concern was that I deal with diarrhea in puppies and kitties all day long! Bad stuff. Contagious stuff! Crypto. Giardia. E-coli. Salmonella. And my fear was/is that I brought something home to her from work! The dr was no help (sadly) so I called into work and said I wouldn't be there and Friday morning I took her to her real dr (who of course wasn't there that day) ahhhhh! So I saw someone else. He was a nice guy... but I am pretty sure that I knew more about diarrhea then he did. First off he kept telling me that it probably was a viral diarrhea (despite the fact that I kept saying I thought she has a bacterial diarrhea), then he wasn't convinced there was blood in the poo (yes I brought some in with us)... so he ran a test to check. It was funny because he came back into the room and said "yes there was blood, so it probably is a bacterial diarrhea." Arrrrgggggggg!!!!! Duh! Any way. I had to collect a bigger sample of her diarrhea so they could run a fecal culture, so that was a fun game to play for the rest of the day. Mallory was a trooper though. Despite the stinging bottom, the fever and the grumbling tummy she was happy and smiley, just a little more snugly then normal.
She is doing much better (no she's not on any meds.... they didn't want to give her anything until they knew what was cultured from her poo). But all she has now is a fever. Hopefully I'll find out today what she had.
Poor baby girl. I am going to feel SOOOOOOO bad if it is anything that I brought home!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Love It

I just took this 2 pound mass off a dog (yes I weighted it) and pulled 3 rotten molars... Have I mentioned that I LOVE my job?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cody Alan Scharer

Welcome Sweet baby Cody Alan Scharer!

Isn't he beautiful!?!?!?

Cody was born January 2nd at 4:17 pm, is 20 inches long and weighted 7 pounds 4 ounces! He is just perfect.

Congratulations Dave and Becca!

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years Eve

New years eve was spent at Brianna's house (sadly Brian was working), but we partied it up with Brie (and her little baby-in-belly), Addison, Jacob, Steve, Michelle (her baby-in-belly), Matthew, Mallory and myself. It was a very low-key but fun night. Heck Mallory thinks that anytime she can be naked it a good time!
The kids all clonked out about 8/9-ish, so that left 3 hours until we could ring in the new year. None of us really knew if we could make it that long... so we though that we would celebrate with each time-zone, that way we would feel that at least we rung in the new year (even if it was just with the east coast). Boy was the Apple-cider flowing! :) So with each passing hour we toasted each other (quietly.... so we wouldn't wake up the sleeping kids) and continued putting together a puzzle of the world. Yes we totally lived it up! We are party animals!!! Amazingly we all stay up until midnight (our time), quickly toasted each other and then hurriedly gathered up Mallory, headed home and promptly feel asleep. Man I haven't stayed up past 12 in a very long time! Happy New Year!