Monday, November 29, 2010

Mom and My Million Dollar (semi-creepy) Idea

(This blog needs to be read in your best infomercial voice)

Is your bald baby bringing you down?
Can you not seem to dress up that hair-free head?
Are you tired of people mistaking your little girl for a little boy?
Then we have the answer for you...

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Instant Infant Hair!

Instantly turn your baby from ho-hum to shabby-sheek in seconds!
No more mistaken gender!
Now every cute baby outfit can have a matching adorable hair-do!
Your baby will be the talk of the town!
The bell of the ball!
Other babies will want to be your baby!
Just 3 easy payments of 9.99 plus shipping and handling.
But if you act now, you receive a second Instant Infant Hair (you pick the color and style) absolutely free!

What do you think? do we have a million dollar idea or what?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Oy Vey

Busy, busy, busy! Sorry for the lack of posts, but work and life are full and I don't have a lot of extra time... I'll try and write more later. But for now enjoy a supper cute picture of Mallory in her Tigger door boucer thing.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


One of the biggest things that I am struggling with at the moment is learning how to juggle being a mom, a wife, a vet, a daughter, a friend.... while at the same time remembering how to just be ME. Does that make sense? I have always been a gal who enjoyed time on my own. I could spend hours reading, going to the gym, out hiking, doing arts and crafts.... all the while not having to even talk to anyone! Even when Matthew and I were dating, there were times that he would want to hang out, and I would just want to be by myself. So it's really strange now to feel like I have to be here/there for this tiny little person that we created. Not that I am complaining about it, I LOVE motherhood... I just miss me a little. Geez, that sounds so selfish. It's funny because when I think about it, it would seem like I would get my me time by being at work... no baby, no Matthew, no house work..., but here I am always dealing with other peoples problems, emotional breakdowns, emergency's and deaths that there isn't even time for me to even just enjoy breathing. This is all normal, right?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

All Too Quickly...

The other day my little family was hanging out with Brie and her kids at the park by our house. It was so lovely! Bries daughter is 2, and just about the cutest little thing.... but she IS defiantly 2! And according to Brie has started to assert her 2 year old self. Brie does a really great job letting Addison be 2, yet at the same time reminding her that she's the mom and the one in charge. It's really fun now to watch parents be parents. I find myself constantly watching, in aw, silently taking notes of all the things that I will someday need to be doing. That was the thought that made it all so real...despite the fact that Mallory was sleeping so quietly and peaceful in the stroller it was easy to imagine that someday (in the pretty near future) she and I are going to be going through the same sort of struggle... (and if she takes after either of her parents she is going to have a stubborn streak that runs deep). She one day will have a voice. She one day will have an opinion. And she one day be able to TELL me just how she feels and just what she thinks. Wow! That's a frightening thought. I'm not ready for that to happen yet! I feel as though I wish I could stop time, like I need to relish THIS period in her life, because I now realize just how quickly she seems to be growing up! All too quickly there will come a time when she doesn't want to snuggle on my lap, or let me dress her up or pose for cute mommy/daughter pictures. Sigh!
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Monday, November 15, 2010

Growing Girl

At her Dr. appointment on Thursday we got the stats on little miss Mallory. She weighed 15 pounds 2 ounces and was in the 85%. She finally getting to be the tall girl that I'm sure she'll be, because her height was 25 inches and has jumped up to the 82% (from the 45% back 2 months ago). She still has a little peanut head, even though it did grow a little, she is now in the 27% (she had been only in the 18% before). Not that any of these stats really matter, it's just fun to watch her grow and change.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ahhhh Perfection!

I know that every mom has 'Mommy Glasses' but I am pretty sure that we have been blessed with one of the worlds best babies! She is such a happy little camper, always smiling and talking about her day in cute coos and hilarious high pitch screeches, all the while smiling and looking around to see who is paying attention! And have I mentioned that no matter how much/long she sleeps during the day, she never seems to have a problem sleeping at night... and more then half the time she sleeps through the night! Yesterday she had her 4 month Dr. appointment and she was such a good girl, she didn't even cry for her shots! Honest! The first one she ignored completely because she was too busy smiling at me, and for the second one she scrunched up her face and grunted, then was over that one too! I'm telling you, (for now) she's just about perfect!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Great Food Adventure

From the moment that Mallory was born I have been excited about feeding her, whether it was breast milk, pumped milk or dipping her pacifier into the random liquids I was drinking. Now that she is 4 months old we get to start introducing solid foods. And by solid foods, I mean mushed up paste-like food with breast milk added to make it more like liquid. (How is that solid food????) :) ANY WAY. I LOVE the faces that babies make when they are eating foods that they love/hate or have just tried for the first time... I just think it's so cute (I know what you are thinking, 'cute until I get it spat all over my face). True. In my perfect little world I am doing to make and freeze as much of Mallory's food as possible (for now). Not only is it more healthy, but it's way cheaper! So after talking with people and doing a boat-load of reading about how to make home made baby food, I have learned that Avocado is one of the best first foods... who knew?!?! And its way easy to prepare! So the other night we started the great solid food adventure! Mallory LOVED the avocado and would get mad if it didn't go into her mouth fast enough. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, she is a Klein after all. I was a little disappointed though because she never once made the funny faces that I was looking forward to. Oh well, maybe she'll do with the next food we try.
What a big girl she's becoming!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Sonoma County Beauty

These are a few of the beautiful sunrises that I am blessed enough to see each morning as I take Mallory to my moms!




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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

Little Mallory went as a Monkey for her first Halloween.... yes she has a flower in her hair (because people thought that she was a boy without it in). :) I do have to say that she is just about the cutest little monkey ever! So it only made sense that I would dress up like a Monkey Farmer... right? (Hey, it was the best I could do with what was in my closet).
We had a really fun Halloween. Mallory was dressed up all day (which I loved, and she didn't really care about. As long as she could get her fists in her mouth she was happy). We had to do a little running around in the afternoon, so we got to take our little monkey around with us! While we were out we found a pumpkin patch! Ok, Ok, Ok, you caught me! I was a horrible mom and didn't REALLY take her to a REAL pumpkin patch! It was the piled up pumpkins in front of Lucky's! Sigh! (Head hung low in shame). We were just sooooo busy that we never made it there (since I'm confessing things, I hate to say it, but we didn't even carve a pumpkin). Not that she noticed. While in Lucky's, Mallory did her first round of Trick-or-Treating! And would you look at that, she just so happened to grab her mommas favorite! What a nice baby! :)

That evening almost all of her grandparents came by the house to see her little Monkey-self go around our little court and Trick-or-treat. It was pretty cute. Everyone loved her! (shocker). After her big day she sat on the couch with us, watched the Giants game and passed out candy. What a day!

Monday, November 1, 2010

I Was Runnin (said in a Forest Gump voice)

I did it! On Saturday Carrie (my cousin) and I ran a 1/2 marathon! That's right 13.1 miles baby! I know, most of you are saying, 'hey, I didn't even know you were training for a 1/2 marathon.' To be honest I didn't really know I was either, until about 4 weeks ago. That's when Carrie came up to me and said, "your back to running again, right?" I told her I was (though I was only running 3-4 miles at that point), so she asked if I wanted to run in a 1/2 marathon. I have ALWAYS wanted to, but never had anyone to do it with, so I excitedly said "yes"! That's when I found out that that the race was only 4 weeks away!!!! Yikes! My life is so busy/crazy/hectic that I knew I wasn't going to have the time to properly train, so I wasn't really sure if I could even really do it. So I guess I didn't tell everyone because the competitive side of me didn't want to fail! But I did it! WE did it! I am soooooo proud of us! It was lots and lots of fun! Sweaty, hot, cold, aching, blister-filled fun!!!! Thank you Carrie for being the motivating factor behind getting me to run! The race was in beautiful Healdsburg, where we got to enjoy the most beautiful scenery as we ran alongside vineyards AND it didn't rain! What a blessing!

We started at 7:30am and we finished in 2 hours and 17 minutes! We finished about 1/3 in the pack of runners (there were a little over 2000 people). We ran about a 10 minute mile and didn't ever even stop! We are going to do another on in January! I'm supper excited about it! Finishing was such a high! It made me feel so good! My body was a little sore/stiff that night, but well worth it and I feel GREAT! It love feeling like this, like even though I just had a baby 3 1/2 months ago my body and mind can still do these really active/dificult things! I told Carrie that maybe after baby #2 we should do a full marathon! (But I think I'll have to actually train for that one)! :)

Post race we HAD to do a little wine tasting... I mean those are the perks of living in Sonoma County, right?