Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Wonderful Day

I know that this is a little behind, but I thought that I would tell you all about the fun time that I had the other weekend.
The Saturday before last 4 other gals and I left our boyfriends, husbands, kids, and pets at home... and took off on a Sonoma County wine tasting adventure! Granted I didn't get to do much tasting, but just getting to spend the day with a group of really funny, beautiful and sweet ladies was quite a treat! We went to about 5 different wineries, enjoyed a yummy picnic and a Mexican dinner! What a perfect day. Everyone was happy and there were no worries, just lots of smiles and laughter!
Thank you ladies for such a great day... lets do it again soon (when I can do a little tasting too)! :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

All the Wrinkled Ladies

I think this video is really funny! For those of you who have been living under a rock its a spoof on Beyonce's song All the Single Ladies.... but this one is called "All the Wrinkled Ladies". I know I'm not exactly supper wrinkly, but I am defiantly starting to find more and more lines in more and more places!
I couldn't figure out how to post the video on the blog, so just go the list like to youtube... Enjoy!

Monday, June 28, 2010

36 Weeks Down!

Wow, I have entered into my 9th month of pregnancy! Is that not insane? It's amazing that I am this close to being 'done'. So, our little one is about 18.5 (+) inches long, about the size of a watermelon! Holly cow! That's WAY too big to still be fitting inside me! It should be around 6 pounds now too! Its main job is just going to be putting on weight (still about 1/2 pound per week). The little one will also be forming ridges on its gums (that look like little teeth). This week our baby will start to shed most of its downy hair covering and some of its vernix... all of which will just float in the amniotic fluid until it's swallowed (gross). It's amazing to think that my uterus, which is GIGANTIC now, will be back to normal within 6 weeks of delivery! The body is truly amazing!

-----WARNING: Possibly too much information for some people-------
Just thought that I would keep you guys up to gate on all my bodily functions... on Friday I lost my mucus plug. Not that that means anything... just that birth could be hours, days, or weeks away (duh). Also the little one has now dropped and though I can breath MUCH better it is sitting right on my bladder and has given my the typical pregnant waddle. Man is it uncomfortable to walk! It's like the kid is grasping and pulling on all the nerves in that area. Be nice no-name baby!

Friday, June 25, 2010

High=Girl, Low=Boy?????

Thanks for all the words of encouragement the other day, yes, my day got much better.
On to more exciting news! I had my 36 week Dr. appointment/ultrasound yesterday and it went great (besides the fact that they were running really, really, really late)! Both Matthew and Mom were able to make it the the appointment, so that was fun to have them there. The Doctor did a quick ultrasound to make sure that our little one was head down... and it is! It is also already facing the correct direction (face towards my spine). The nerve wracking/exciting thing was that the Dr. had to keep moving the probe lower and lower to get a full image on the head. She kept saying that our baby is SO low already! She then wanted to check and make sure that I wasn't starting to dilate (because the babys head is literally on my cervix). Don't worry I was not dilated. We were not able to get a very good image of our little ones face, because it's facing my spine, but it's head, spine and heart look perfect! :) She then had a little talk with the baby and told it to stay put for a few more weeks, and she gave me a little talk about things to look/feel for in the near future.
The funny thing is, that literally at least 3 times a day I am told that because I am carrying so 'high' I am having a girl and that I am not even close to being ready to deliver because the baby needs to 'drop' first. But because I have virtually NO waist our baby (according to our ultrasound... and my constant lack of air/need to pee) is both pushing up on my diaphragm and pushing down on my cervix! So once again our little one is not giving us any clues as to its gender! I'm starting to get really anxious/excited to know what it is!!!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

One of THOSE days (yes it's a vent-fest)

It's one of THOSE days! How, you may ask is it only 7 am and it's already one of THOSE days? I guess it really started last night...
Throughout the day I had sent a few text messages, then last night I realized none had actually gone through. I thought that maybe it was because my memory was full, so I spent some time 'fixing' it over a glass of chocolate soy milk mmmmmmmm. Then it was off to bed. Just as I was drifting off to sleep at 11 pm my phone alerted telling me I had a text message. I automatically thought 'Something is wrong' and grabbed my phone. But NO, it was a advertisement from (I have never even used that site)! Annoyed, I went back to bed, where I proceeded to wake up ever 1 1/2 hours to pee out all liquid in my entire body!!!!! Then at 4:54 am my phone alerted again. Just like last time I automatically thought that something/someone was in trouble, so I grabbed my phone, only to see another darn advertisement from!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I was just annoyed! I lay there in the dark trying to get back to sleep when one of the darn chickens thought to itself, 'hey, it's 5:04 am I should start screaming!' I jumped out of bed and darted out the door (being careful to not step/trip on Sonny) in my pj's and went and hushed the chickens up by yelling at them (yes they apparently understanding early morning yelling). I then went BACK to bed, but of course couldn't sleep, so I climbed/rolled over my pillow mountain and snuggled in next to Matthew and laid there for the next 45 minutes, just thinking, because sleep at that point was out of the questions! When I got up at 5:50 I thought, hey I should text the snapfish place back and tell them how much they pissed me off. So I did... but the text wouldn't go through. So I tried to text Matthew, that one didn't go through either. My stinking phone is on the fritz! I tried to get online to see what the closest AT&T store is and what time they open... but my stinking computer was running SOOOOO slow, THEN the Internet wouldn't load!!!!! Arggggggggggg! So I came into work. Hopefully all my surgeries this morning are going to go better then the rest of my morning has! Sorry about all the complaining, but I just needed to vent!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Love Sick

I don't know when I got so attached to my husband, but its happened. He and I used to live in different towns (even while we were married) and would go weeks without seeing each other. It was hard, but not the biggest of deals. Now, he leaves for a 4 day bachelor party in Vegas and I have a ache in my heart and our bed is all of a sudden way to big (despite the copious amount of pillows that I have been accumulating since pregnancy), and I have to go and find one of his old t-shirts to sleep in (i sound like a love-sick high school girl). I'm not sure what changed, and why I want him around so much, but I do! And I am very happy that he is home... and not allowed to leave until long after the little one is born!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

35 Weeks Down

5 weeks to go, can you believe it! Our little one is really starting to pack on the pounds now... it should be gaining about one ounce per day every day over the next 5 weeks! Its about 18.5 inches long and now around 5.5 pounds! I'm trying to figure out how it's fitting inside me... we must have quite a contortionist on our hands. :) Though my uterus is apparently around 15 TIMES larger then when we first conceived! WOW! Its little baby kidneys are now fully developed and its liver has started to process waste products. (no Klein family and Jeff, that doesn't mean that it should start downing the gin and tonics quite yet). Its lungs are also now fully functional and if our little one was to be born today, survival rate is 99%! It should now be in the head down position and will be verified via ultrasound this Thursday at my next baby doctors appointment (which I now get to go to every single week)!So everyone say a little prayer and keep your fingers crossed that position is perfect! It think it is, because its round little tushy keeps pressing into the right side of my ribcage CONSTANTLY! Matthew is/has been in Las Vegas since Friday and wont get back until today, so we don't have any fun fruit pictures... sorry!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Wedding Fun

Matthew and I went to a wedding this past weekend... it's always fun to get a little dressed up (and to see Matthew in something other then a t-shirt)!!!!! ;) It was a wedding for on of Matthews rugby guys, so they all had fun hoopin' and hollerin'... Yes, we were 'That table'. I felt a little out of place (since I think I was the only sober person there). All the rugby boys are now referring to how much time left in my pregnancy in ounces... so that's pretty funny to listen to, and watch the confusion on the faces of others. It was fun evening, good food, good music, really good cake!!!! The wedding shut down pretty early (like 9:30) which was great for me, since I swear I now turn into a pumpkin come 10 pm... plus that way I didn't have to drag Matthew away from a fun time! I hate being the old stick-in-the-mud. Saddly I think that's what I am turning into. oh well.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Uhmmmm, is it just me, or did anyone else have a little heart attack when they saw that the baby-count down ticker said 39 days????????? Breath! In and out, in and out, in and out.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


One of the most wonderful things about our house, is that it had fully established fruit trees already there when we moved in! All we have to do is trim and water them... and then we get to harvest all the yummy deliciousness! This year we got 3 full gallon bags full of cherries! after picking them all we went out and got a fancy cherry pitter (one that does a whole bunch at a time). Because last year I had to slice them all in half with a knife and remove the seeds before freezing them. Matthew and I have been enjoying cherry smoothies! Mmmmmmmm! Silly me though, got so over zealous with the pitting, bagging and freezing that I forget to keep some fresh ones out to eat. Oh well. Next year!

Monday, June 14, 2010

34 Weeks

34 weeks now, only 6 to go! Last night while I was laying in bad trying to not think about how I had just peed and now already have to pee again my mind started to wander and I realized that in 6 weeks I am going to be someone’s mom! At that point I had a little momentary freak-out! My mind started racing, how was I ever going to know all the 'mom' things in just 6 weeks! Like, what sort of outfit do I need to pack for the return from the hospital.... short-sleeve, long sleeve, onsie... what if the baby is too hot (it will be July after all), do I really need to bring blankets for the baby? When we strap the little bundle into its car seat and it's all swaddled up, where do you put that one strap that should go in-between the legs? and diaper wipes flushable? Silly thoughts like these were just running rampant through my brain. Finally I just said a little prayer that with God’s help I will somehow either a) stop worrying or b) know all the 'mom' stuff... and shortly there after I fell asleep. Sadly I didn't wake up knowing all the answers, but I do feel less worried! :)
So this week our little on is about 17 1/2 to 18 inches long and now weighs about 5 pounds! Can you believe it? It's also (because of my VERY, VERY short torso) always sitting on my bladder and pushing up on my diaphragm at the same time... so I have to pee AND can't breath! :) Our little one seems to still get the hiccups about twice a day. If it's a little boy, its testicals should be descending into the scrotal sac. Not much else should be changing, just gaining more and more weight and the vernex (the white covering) should also be increasing while the amniotic fluid decrease. Fun times!

Friday, June 11, 2010


There is no doubt that this kid has good/fun taste in music! As of yesterday it didn't much seem to care what sort of music is on... classic rock, fine. 80's, sure. Christian, alright. Country, whatever. But yesterday I just happen to be listening to a plethora of Journey (3 songs to be exact) and this little baby went buck-nutty! It was dancing and wiggling. I swear there were some John Travolta moves going on in my belly! I was cracking up!!!!!! Just to make sure that it wasn't some fluke, I listened to some other music. I got the usual response to that, a little move here and there, nothing big and exciting. Then I went back to the Journey music and once again the little wild child came out! So Funny! Hey, at least it's music that I like too!
I had a baby Dr. appointment yesterday and all is well with both me and the little one. I am measuring spot on. So despite the fact that I am carrying 'small'/not that far out, everything is perfect! The baby kicked the Dr. really hard (which she thought was funny). Heart beat and rate are sounding perfect and as of now the little one is in a head down position! But that could change. In 2 weeks I'll get another ultrasound to confirm position, and that's really when it matters where/what direction the baby is facing. But this little one, being the very obedient baby that it is, is going to stay in this perfect position the entire time.... right?!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

33 1/2 weeks

33 and a half weeks down, ONLY 6 and a half to go! Matthew and I were laying in bed last night watching the alien-like movement in my belly! I mean seriously, if caring a child was not obviously such a natural/normal thing, I would think that I was in a freaky Si-fi movie... it's just SO strange to realize that I have another human living and growing inside me. One that has it's own schedule, attitude, movements, thoughts and dreams... it's just mind blowing!!!!
This week (though almost over) there are a few big milestones happening with our little alien... I mean our little one. Its immune system is actually finally fully developed now and most of the bones have hardened... all except for the skull. Which is good, because those plates that make up the skull need to remain un-joined to allow for overlap during delivery. Speaking of the skull, the circumference of our little ones head has increased by about 1/2 an inch this week alone! Meaning the head is around 8.5 cm around. Our baby should be about 17 inches long head to toe and weigh about 4.4 (+) pounds! Over the next 6-7 weeks I should be gaining about 1 pound per week and about 1/2 of it will be going directly to the baby! Grow little one, grow!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Baby Shower Pictures

I have no idea how I am ever going to show all of the wonderful shower pictures... I guess I'll just bombard you guys with pictures... most are self explanatory, a few require a little description! :) Enjoy and thank you again to you all for making my baby shower so wonderful! I love you all!

The REALLY cute and yummy bug cake... pre and post 'Klein Cut'

The last picture is one of a ton of adorable knit toys, clothes, bibs, washcloths, blankets, socks and hats that Grandma Dawn has knit over the past 8 + months (according to her that's what I get for making her wait 40 weeks before getting to hold her grand baby)! :) So funny!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Baby Shower

This weekend was my baby shower! It was the strangest feeling to be going to a baby shower for ME! (Just one more dose of reality that this little baby is going to be here soon). It was such a wonderful shower (A HUGE Thank you to Momma and Janie)! There ended up being 42 people that showed up to give love and support to this little one! I was totally overwhelmed by the number of people/showing of love/amount of gifts! It was a beautiful warm, sunny day, and we sat out in the back yard under large umbrellas played a few games, ate good food and cake and visitied with eachother. It was REALLY REALLY wonderful to get to visit with all the ladies... some from high school, work, vet school, neighbors, family and old and new friends. I don't have any pictures of the shower (but would love some.... hint, hint, hint)... I'll post them as soon as I get a few! Thank you to all who were able to make it, I felt so loved and honored, that all weekend I kept getting teary-eyed when I would think about it! Ahhhhhh hormones, got to love them!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Great Yard Adventure

Ok, So here is our 'Baby' fruit picture for the week. Matthew thinks that we already did a Pineapple (which we probably did, but with my mushy-brain I can't seem to remember). But none the less, this time our baby is the size of the ENTIRE thing, stem included.! We had a very exciting 3 day weekend.... we spent the whole weekend digging up our yard and putting it back together again. Why would we do that you ask.... because we put in a drip system for the garden, sprinklers for the lawns (yes all 3 areas) and a spray system for the flowers!!!!!! It was an intense weekend. I had never done any of that sort of thing, so Matthew was really good about teaching me what we were supposed to do, and letting me do things on my own/ taking over wehn I was tired. Talk about back breaking work. This is our garden.... ahhhhhh, so cute!

THIS was what all of our lawn looked like for a few days! It was like we were digging trenches for war! After 3 1/2 days of sprinkler junk I think we have just about finished it all (there is one head that we still have to replace). I am so excited not to have to spend 1-2 hours a day watering this summer (especially with the little one will be taking up most of my time at that point)! Plus (hopefully) we are going to save money on the water bill! Always a great thing!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

8 Months Down!!!!!

Oh that's right, that's my belly button that you see starting to 'pop' out! I can't believe that I have less then 8 weeks to go before I get to officially meet and hold our little baby! Now when people ask when I'm due I get to say "Next month!"It feels so surreal! At this point our little one is around 3.75-4 pounds and will put on 1/3 to 1/2 of its birth weight within the next 7 weeks! It souled be around 16.7 inches long... sorry no fruit for comparison today, I'll be going to the store tonight. Its little skeleton is totally formed, though the bones still soft and flexible. Its digestive system is also fully developed, though it wont be using it for a little while yet. SUPPOSEDLY the little one should be sleeping 90-95% of the time, Yeah right! Not our baby! On Thursday at my latest Baby Dr. appointment I was told that on average the little one should move about 6 times per hour. I thought to myself, 'hmmmm, I haven't ever kept track... I should count movements this next hour.' Well, I lost track/gave up after I hit 26! Maybe our kid has restless leg syndrome... except for it's entire body! :) Granted if I were curled up like it is I would be moving and stretching too. Obviously this is not a picture of our baby.... but it's such a cool picture of just how little room there is at 32 weeks and how totally formed the baby really is! It's just such a beautiful miracle!
So since getting pregnant my blood volume has increase 40-50%! Is that not insane? Wow, that's a lot of blood! This weekend in the Home Depot parking lot, a lady chased after Matthew and me to let me know that I was such a cute pregnant lady! :) It made me smile. Though I did have to refrain from saying to her, 'uhhh I'm not pregnant!' just to see what she would do! :) See, I AM learning SOME self control!