Friday, January 29, 2010

What a great day!

What I wonderful day I had yesterday! Thursdays are my half days at work, so that always means the days is off to a good start. But after work I went and met Jeralyn (one of my dear friends from hell.... I mean vet school) and her boyfriend Jon (and their sweet dog Bunsen) in Santa Rosa for lunch! Jon had to head to S.R. for work and it was Jeralyns day off! It was so nice to see them, they live in Sac (area) so it's not like it's all that far away, but life is crazy busy most of the time and we just don't seem to be able to find time to get together like we should. It was wonderful to see them, thanks for the visit... Jeralyn I owe you $20 you little punk! :)

Next I met Matthew at the Baby-Doctors appointment! Up until getting pregnant, I had never been so excited about going to the doctors. Now every month I'm chompin' at the bit to get in there and see/hear my little Gremlin! Any way Yesterday we got to listen to the heart beat, AMAZING! It's so funny, because I listen to SOOOOO many heart beats every day, yet THIS one was beautiful! I felt like crying! It was so cute... weesh-a-weesh-a-weesh-a-weesh-a...!!!!! I loved it. You know that saying, that you can tell if you are having a boy or a girl based on heart rate (faster vs. slower)? Well our little one was right in the middle (140), so it didn't even give us a little clue. Oh well. So while we were listening to the weesh-a-weesh-a-weesh-a-weesh-a sound, every 4 or 5 seconds a "thwaping" sound would occur. Our Dr. said that she was surprised that I hadn't felt the baby because apparently our little one is WAY active, and kept kicking/batting around! Cute now... I'm not sure I'll like it so much in 4 months when the baby runs out of room in there! :)
Then yesterday evening I went over to Liz's house for dinner with her and the kiddo's. So much fun. Her youngest (Jackson) runs around saying "Wecka, Ckooo-koo", which translated means "Jessica, you are that lady with the chickens, let's go and see them." Yes I know, he's way of talking is much more efficient. Liz and I stayed up chatting until past 9:30 (which is dang late for 2 pregnant broads!) What a great day!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bargain Shopping

I think that I got the Bargain shopping gene from my mom (who I do have to say is the WORLDS best thrift shopper)! Matthew and I have been blown away with how dang expensive baby things are! (I swear, the two industries to be in if you want to make millions of dollars on over priced things/services are the wedding and baby industries) sheesh! Any way, things cost mooooocho buckos! Cribs, dressers/changing tables/strollers... all the necessities were any where from $250-$600! So I started doing a little bargain hunting! You'll never believe the loot that I found and the price that I got them for! First I fell for a crib on Craig's list, so Matthew and I drove to Fremont and got it... they even sold it to us with the new Sealy Posturepedic Baby Mattress. Any way it's a Emily 4-in-1 Convertible Crib in Ebony that retails for $500... we got it for $150!

I then was shopping around Salvation Army in Healdsburg and found the MATCHING dresser/changing table (same Brand/style/color). The drawers were a little caddy-wampus, but I know that my ever-so-handy-husband could fix them right up (which he did)! This piece retails new for $350 and I got it for $45.00!!!!!!

Then, this weekend Matthew and I drove to San Anselmo to look at a Peg Perego Pliko P3 Classico stroller AND it's matching PRIMO VIAGGIO SIP 30-30 car seat... in orange!!!! Of coarse we got those too! Those together go for a little over $500 new, but we got them for $150! They have been cleaned and never involved in a crash and have all the instructions/warranties and everything! We are money saving fools!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A word of warning to all

All people heed this warning (because it may keep you out of trouble someday). NEVER call a woman, let alone a pregnant woman FAT! A little bit ago I was asked by someone (who shall remain nameless to protect the Innocent) how I was doing/feeling. I was excited to show off the little 'Baby-Bump' that I am starting to develop so I lifted the bottom of my shirt to show this person. The individual then turned to Matthew and said "Gee, that's the fattest I have ever seen her." I stood there so shocked, hurt and very self contuse that I couldn't even talk! Now, despite the fact that the statement may very well be true, it is NEVER a good idea to say the "F" word to a woman that is growing a baby insider her! I mean I already have to wake up in the morning and say to myself "look at how big the BABY is getting" just to remind myself that it is not ME who is getting larger... it is the baby. I am still eating healthy, going to the gym and trying to stay fit. The LAST thing that I wanted to hear was that I am the fattest I have ever been! (can you tell I am still hurt by this comment?) I've been working on letting it go, because I know it wasn't said to be mean, but man, I'm having a hard time doing that! So just a word of warning to all the people who get to watch my tummy grow... I know that it's getting larger, but it's supposed to, THERES A BABY IN THERE, IT"S NOT FAT! I am not sitting on my behind eating bonbons and doughnuts (though those do sound good), I am growing a new life! :) Gee, I feel better. Thanks for letting me vent!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oh to be young again...

Saturday Matthew, Tyler and I took Thomas out for his 21st birthday! Oh what a night! Tommy's actually birthday wasn't until Sunday, so we had to wait until midnight. Then the 4 of us made the trek to John and Zeke's for an hour and a half of fun before the bar closed. Lucky me, I was the D.D. It was pretty funny watching my youngest brother take shots, sing songs, laugh at random people, wobble while standing still, oh and drop a glass (full of water) then insist on paying ME for it! He handed me a 20 and kept commenting on how bad he felt! I poured water into him in between every other alcoholic drink. He never ended up getting sick... so that's good. But I do have to say Thomas is THE happiest drunk person I have ever met! He was constantly smiling and making friends with those around him. It was a lot of fun. And I think he enjoyed himseft too!

The first drink of the night!

Many drinks after that!

The following night, out to dinner with the family on his real birthday. Thomas thanks for the fun nights. You are a wonderful brother and I love you.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Wow! It was quite a weekend! WE did lots of things, and I'll try to get to all of them over the next few days. So to start it off, I am now 14 weeks along! I can't believe how fast time is flying! It's wonderful and frightening all at the same time. So this week the little Gremlin is 3 1/2 inches long! Yep, that's about the size of a large lemon. Our little one is starting to do all sort of "real baby" things like making breathing movements, making facial expressions, sucking it's thumb, it's peeing (so it's kidneys are working)and it's liver and spleen are working (so I get some help making more red blood cells... it's about time!). Yesterday I went with my friend Liz (who is my neighbor AND is 7 week pregnant with her 3rd baby)... any way we went maternity clothes shopping which was a blast. But what was REALLY helpful we the time she spent with me walking up and down the baby section of Target talking to me about all the things that MAtthew and I do and do NOT need! Because prior to yesterday I was totally in the dark about all the different types/brands/sizes of things (nipples/nuks/breast pumps...). There are SOOOOOOO many things! Thank you Liz for your help, and for the great day!

Friday, January 22, 2010

My Favorite Part of the Day

So for about 11 years now I have been trying to get Matthew to read out loud to me. Coming from a mom who loved to read to us I found, that when I went off to collage (many moons ago) that I really missed falling asleep to the sound of someone reading. So from then on I tried to get Matthew to read to me...RARELY did that ever happen. Well, I don't know which switch in him was flipped, (the new book he got for Christmas, the fact that the Little Gremlin now can hear, that he loves his pregnant wife, or that my endless begging finally wore him down), but for the past couple of weeks he has been going to bed early with me and reading out loud while I fall asleep. The book has very short little 'stories' so it goes quickly, but he'll read 4 or 5 of them as I drift off to sleep. It has become one of the things that I look forward to most. Thank you Matthew!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hooray for Laundry!

Despite the fact that Joel and Melissa have left us for Oregon, there is one good thing that has come from it. They were not able to bring their 2 year old washer and dry with them, so they asked Matthew and I if we wanted them! We of course said "yes"! We have been using the set that came with the house... which dose work, but we (mainly I) have had a few issues with them. Now we have a matching set, with multiple settings AND a dryer that had a quiet setting (which wont buzz crazy loud when it's done)... perfect for when the Gremlin takes naps! So we are feeling very blessed! So, if anyone needs a older washer/dry let me know! :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Wine Bus

This weekend Matthew and I had to say goodbye to our very good friends Joel and Melissa Boothe...They are moving to Oregon! For their goodbye party we did what every good Sonoma County resident dose.... we boarded a wine tours bus and went wine tasting. Well, I actually went wine smelling, but it was fun... for the most part. About half way through our vineyard adventure our bus started to leak break/power steering fluid. I'm not just talking about a drip here and there, I'm talking about a full-on stream of brown fluid pouring from the underside of the bus. (now this is my favorite part...) The bus driver told us all to get back ON the bus and he was going to drive it to the end of the drive way... "because by then I should know if the breaks are working or not..." (Gee that's logical, right?) So 14 of our 18 people piled on the bus, Matthew, his dad, his dads friend and myself stayed off. I told them there was NO way I was getting on that bus (Because at the end of the drive way what happens if the bus couldn't stop...) No way was I getting on! Any way, so the driver started up the bus and boy, did that brown fluid really pour out of it then! So we let him know.... he reluctantly decided that he shouldn't drive the bus and we would have to wait for a new one. So we waited... 3 hours!!!!!!!! By the time the new bus arrived the majority of the wine party was 3-sheets to the wind, a few were more like 10, and I was ready be home! (Not to mention I was beginning to fear that the gremlin would come out slurring already because it would somehow develop a contact-buzz! :) Any way It was quite an adventure and an exciting send off for the Boothes. We will miss you guys lots!

Monday, January 18, 2010

2nd Trimester

WooHoo! As of today I have entered into my second trimester! I have been feeling so good. People aren't kidding when they talk about how around this time you get your energy back! I have been able to stay up past 8:30 (will wonders never cease), I no longer feel my eyelids are glued shut and I can eat/look at/smell anything without puking! Life is good! Sorry I had forgot to add in the new sizes of our little gremlin...
Week 12= Tangerine

Week 13= Nectarine

Holy cow it's getting BIG!!!!!! :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ahwww it's a baby!

I have decided that the ultrasound machine is one of the coolest medical devices ever invented. I mean, in my profession I use mine on almost a daily occurrence, and yeah it's cool.... but it wasn't until 2 weeks ago I found out how utterly AMAZING they really are! At 6 weeks pregnant Matthew and I had our first U/S and our little Gremlin was a cute little dot with a fluttering little heartbeat. Then at our next Dr. appt. they did another U/S and my heart melted. The little dot had become a baby. I know what you all are thinking... "dhuuuhhh, that's what's supposed to happen", and I know that. But I can't even explain how amazing it was to see our baby. We could see it's little fingers and long arms as they waved around, it's body and heart beating, then it flipped over and showed us it's little butt and long legs and little feet. It was just phenomenal to see that I have a little person growing inside me. One that moves and swims about. We got to see it's cute little profile. I can't believe how much I already love this little baby! Oh and for those of you who don't know, we are not planing to find out the sex of the little Gremlin! :)

6 Weeks= awhhh it's a dot

10 weeks= awhhh it's a baby

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Wonders of science (and imagination)

Through the wonders of science and the artistic skill of Mr. Arthur Klein we now have a very accurate image of what our baby looks like! AMAZING! :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm Baaaaaaack!

Momma and I took a little weekend trip up to Oregon to visit Jeff and Lindsay. Ok, we were really there to visit with Cooper (their Supper cute dog). We had a blast! Their new home is beautiful, the Portland area a very cool (with really great food) and it didn't rain nearly as much as I was expecting! One of the days Mom and I went to the larges fabric store I had ever seen and we found AMAZING fabric to make the little gremlins crib bedding out of! It's going to be supper cute! There are images of funny bugs, to go with the Bug Theme we're going with! I can't wait to show you all how it turns out! Thanks Jeff and Lindsay for letting us stay with you and for showing us such a fun time!

Cooper is too cute!

Anyone have any idea who's house THIS is???????? I've give you a hint... If you're into vampires you should know this! That's right (Janie) I got to see the Cullen's house from the Twilight series!!!! Cool huh? Though I did feel a little like a stalker taking this picture :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Growing Baby Klein

So I guess I have so catching up to do with all of you...
Back in September Matthew and I thought "hey now would be a fun time to start TRYING to have a baby" (since we kept being told that it could/can take up to a year or more to get preggers since I had been on B.C. for so long). Well apparently we tried a little too hard because 2 months later I was pregnant. We are lovingly referring to the baby as "The Gremlin" because I'm pretty sure I got knocked up on Halloween. :) Any way neither of us can keep a secret so we told everyone right away! I was socked to learn how quickly the little Gremlin grows, so I wanted to share it with Matthew, so each week Matthew reluctantly puts out his hand and I put a piece of fruit (or whatever) into it to represent the baby.... so here's a rundown of the last few weeks...

5 weeks= apple seed

6 weeks= Pea

7 weeks= Blue Berry

8 weeks= Razberry

9 weeks= Green olive

10 Weeks= Prune

11 Weeks= Lime

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Here Goes Nothing...

Ok, so this is my Maiden Voyage with this whole "blog" thing. And to be perfectly honest I am only starting this so that Janie and the Bostwick family can feel like they are getting to be part of my pregnancy! But I have heard that it's addicting.... so who knows, maybe I'll love it! :)
Any way, Matthew and I are so excited to be having our first baby! I am 11 1/2 weeks along and loving it (even though the dry-heaving part is horrible) Uhhhggg! I'm starting to feel "big" and am trying really hard to remind myself that it is not fat, it's a baby! :)
I'll write more soon... it's closing time.